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3 in 30: February Goals – Week 1

Posted in Christian Life, Family, Fitness, Homemaking, and Photography

Hubby and MunchkinProject 365 – #035

Since February is the month of love due to Valentine’s Day, my goals this month will be focusing on love.

3 in 30

Since February is known as the month of love due to Valentine’s Day, I decided that my goals this month will be focused on the theme of love.

As the month of January came to an end, I knew that I wanted to continue on with focusing on goals for my mental health, physical health, and my spiritual health.  These goals would revolve around my relationship with Christ, my relationship with my family, and my relationship with myself.

Relationship with myself – that sounds rather funny, but it’s true.  I need to make sure that I’m taking care of myself, so I can take care of my family.  I need to have a positive self image as the Lord made me the way that I am.

Homemaking Goal (mental health): Love My Home, Continued de-cluttering

Last month, I was able to get a good bit of de-cluttering and organizing done.  I want to continue with these goals this month.  I want to love my home; to create a loving, welcoming environment for family and friends.

My new goal for this month will be establishing more of a routine with cleaning the house in addition to the de-cluttering and organizing.

Fitness Goal (physical health): Love My Body, daily weekday exercise

I am continuing with the 30 Day Challenge with Wii EA Sports Active.  I am bumping up the difficulty level of the workouts slowly.  In addition to continuing with my 5 days a week workout.

My new goal for this month will be to drink a minimum of 4 large glasses of water per day.  This is not an easy goal for me, but I’m going to be doing my best.

I will be continuing to link up to Fit Mommy Friday.

Spiritual Goal (spiritual health):  Love the Lord, praying for D and Munchkin

I will be continuing my goal from last month of daily devotions.

My new goal for this month will be purposeful prayer for both D and Munchkin.  I plan on setting up a prayer journal for this purpose.

February FIRST WEEK: Check-in

Since we had the house cleaned up for company, this week has been about maintenance.  Having a clean, organized upstairs (classroom) allowed Munchkin to have her friend over to play when it was too cold to play outside.  I’m working on staying on top of laundry as that seems to be a difficult task.  I currently have a couple of loads that need to be folded.  I definitely need to get those done asap.

Exercising is going well.  The bumped up difficulty is definitely making workouts more challenging, but I’m able to get it done.  The water is more difficult, but I’ve been able to do it so far this week.

Daily devotions has once again become a habit, but I need to stay vigilant about it.  While I pray for both Munchkin and I each day, I want to make it more purposeful.  I have started this, but I’m still trying to figure out the best way to really pray for them.

It’s not too late to join in on the 3 in 30 Challenge.


  1. This was beautiful, it encouraged me as well. I like how you said you needed to work on yourself, so you could work on your family. How many of us moms leave “us” completely out!
    Have a great weekend!
    kara recently posted..Day 34My Profile

    February 4, 2011
  2. jen

    love the photo

    all the best

    I fold my washing as I get it off the line 🙂
    jen recently posted..Home schooling TripMy Profile

    February 4, 2011
  3. Folding laundry is my evil nemesis. I really hate it. Well, folding and putting away. Why? It’s really an easy task to do. I’ve been thinking for years I need to figure out what it is I need to get myself over this mental hurdle. I know there are many of us with this issue.

    Stopping by again from 3 in 30 to see what you’re up to this month.
    tammigirl recently posted..30 Days Of Truth- Day 25- The Reason I Believe Im Still Alive TodayMy Profile

    February 4, 2011
  4. Here from 3 in 30.. I tried Zumba with my daughter for a week and I tore something in my hip! I am so sore I can barely walk sometimes. ugh! Yet walking daily is one of my goals. 🙂
    Sisterlisa recently posted..3 in 30 Roll CallMy Profile

    February 4, 2011
  5. I enjoyed reading your goals. They are very similar to mine this year. I have decided to really think of goals and stick with them. Thank you. 🙂
    I’m from the TOS Crew and am now following you. I’m looking forward to reading more posts. Please follow me. Thank you!

    February 4, 2011
  6. Good job on the exercise! I love that you’re doing the 3 goals in 30 days challenge. Such wise goals you have!


    Annie Kate

    February 5, 2011
  7. Way to make progress with your goals this week! Keep being intentional about them, and you’ll be able to end the month having made them reality!!
    Ashley Pichea recently posted..Obedience Leads to BlessingMy Profile

    February 5, 2011
  8. Great goals! Boy, do I need to tackle clutter. Not sure when I’ll get to that, though.

    Jeanine recently posted..Come Read with Us! My Profile

    February 5, 2011
  9. ‘Love’ your goals – why is the water drinking so hard?!!? Keep up the great work!

    February 6, 2011

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