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3 in 30: January Week 2 Check-In

Posted in Christian Life, Fitness, and Homemaking

3 in 30It’s hard to believe that we’re already 2 weeks into January 2011.  Last year seemed to fly by, and this year seems to be doing the same already.  With Munchkin being sick, we haven’t been getting much schooling done, but it has allowed me to focus more on the goals that I’ve set for this month.

I realized this week that I have 1 daily goal, 1 weekly goal, and 1 monthly goal.  I did not plan this out, but it seems to be working for me.  I try to work on the monthly goal (homemaking) a little each day, so I don’t get stuck rushing around towards the end of the month trying to achieve that goal.  That would defeat the whole purpose even though I may achieve that particular goal.  I want to build the habit of doing something each day.

CleaningHomemaking Goal (mental health):
de-clutter and organize the storage closet and classroom area

I made some real progress on this goal.  The classroom area has been de-cluttered and organized.  There are still a few things that need to find a home, but overall, this room is done.  Whoohoo!  After the rest of the house has been de-cluttered, I plan on going through this room and getting rid of more stuff.

For the storage closet, I removed almost everything from the closet and started with an almost empty closet.  I’m attempting to not put anything back in the closet that we aren’t going to keep.  I’m working on going through everything a little each day.  I may not be able to achieve this goal as we have company coming, and I need to clear out the guest room which is the temporary “holding” area for all of the stuff that was in the closet.

This storage closet is actually a small room, so it will take some time to truly get it completely organized.

ExerciseFitness Goal (physical health):
exercise at least a little each day of the week (Monday – Friday)

I am pleased to say that I am doing well with my fitness goal.  For the first week, I used various Wii programs for exercising.  This week, I started the 30 Day Challenge with Wii EA Sports Active.  It’s a more structured program with a daily schedule.  Since the activities, change each day, it keeps the workouts fresh.  Plus, it helps me hit different area throughout the week.

I try to do my exercising first thing in the morning, so it doesn’t get pushed aside.  After doing today’s (Friday) exercising, I will have been doing my exercises for 2 weeks.  This is a good accomplishment for me as something usually comes up that makes me stop exercising for a period of time.  I really want to stick with it this time, so I’m putting forth extra effort.

Since fitness is an integral part of my goals for this year, I’m going to try to get back in the habit of linking up to Fit Mommy Friday.

BibleSpiritual Goal (spiritual health):
do devotions every day

I am getting time in with the Lord each day, but I want to spend more time in the Word.  One way that I’m assuring that I get time in with the Lord is having a devotional book in the bathroom.  Ideally, I want to spend some time in the morning in the Word to start the day off right, and some time in the evening in the Word to help me fall asleep meditating scripture.  It will take time to truly get back in the habit of digging deeper into God’s Word.  It’s sad that it’s so easy to get out of the habit of spending quality time with the Lord, but so difficult to make it a solid habit again.  It saddens my heart that I allow other things to come first at times.  Something that I need to work on….

Overall, I am pleased with how the first 2 weeks of January.  I purposefully chose goals that would be challenging, but still attainable.  I didn’t want to set myself up for failure, but I didn’t want it to be so easy that nothing would be gained from achieving the goals.  Having to check in helps me keep honest with how I’m doing.

How are your goals going for 2011?  It’s not too late to join in on the 3 in 30 Challenge.


  1. Way to go!! I’m the same way with working out, get it out of the way in the morning – it’s a GREAT way to start the day!! For me, if I don’t get it done in the AM; it doesn’t get done.

    James 4:8 says, draw near to me and I will draw near to YOU!! Don’t beat yourself up on your spiritual goal, of course the Truth is in the Word, but sometimes we think we should always be doing MORE! Simply draw near to Him, when you can, He will draw near to you. He knows your hearts desire and that is what’s important.

    You’re doing a fabulous job!! =)

    Keeping it Personal,
    Teri Johnson recently posted..January 14- 2011My Profile

    January 14, 2011
  2. You are really zipping right along, aren’t you!? I think the way to purge is to remove everything from a spot and then only put back what you really want in there. So I would have done it the same as you. Because we’re more likely to leave it if it’s in there, but more likely to leave it out if it’s already out.

    Half way through January 3 in 30 – wow!
    tammigirl recently posted..30 Days Of Truth- Day 5- Something You Hope To Do In Your LifeMy Profile

    January 14, 2011
  3. Hi! Checking in from 3in30 🙂

    You seem to be right on track!! Great job keeping up with the excercise – that would be a very difficult one for me.

    I agree that it was “easy” for me to stop spending time studying the Word, and it has been difficult getting back in the habit. So sad, but the good news is that you are working on it!
    aurie recently posted..3 in 30 – 2nd Update!My Profile

    January 14, 2011
  4. Lynda

    Wow! Great job, you are staying right on track 🙂

    January 14, 2011
  5. I really like your goals! I need to go through our school room too, since it became a catch-all with all the visitors over Christmas.

    Have fun with the Wii!!!
    Lexi recently posted..End of week rundown-Jan 9-15My Profile

    January 14, 2011
  6. I love putting decluttering in the ‘mental health’ category! It is so true!

    I spent all morning getting books out of my bedroom. These were the books in front of the other books, so we do still have quite a collection…but at least we can access it all!

    Here’s to clean closets and fit bodies and healthy souls.

    Annie Kate

    January 15, 2011
  7. I love the Monthly, Weekly, and Daily goals! I am spending this week doing some goal planning and I might have to ‘borrow’ this idea!
    Lorus recently posted..Growing Bacteria- Part TwoMy Profile

    January 15, 2011

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