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Month: November 2011

Trying to Brainstorm

Posted in Family, Homeschooling, and In the Garage

Today, we looked at a couple of “classic” trucks that were for sale in our area to help Munchkin get an idea of exactly what style of truck she wants as well as to help her solidify how much work (and what type of work) she wants to put into her truck.  As we looked and talked, more clarity was found.  We discussed how much various repairs and changes would cost which lead to discussions about coming up with ways to earn money.  Since she is homeschooling, she does have a little more flexibility than some kids her age, but…

Sweet Conversations

Posted in Christian Life, Family, and Photography

I treasure our family Bible study time.  It’s during this time that we learn, grow, and have some of the most precious conversations.  Our Bible study time gives D and I the opportunity to really see where Munchkin is at spiritually and help her in her Christian walk.  She is able to share what is on her heart and going through her mind.  There are times that the talks are difficult due to the topic discussions, but we always walk away feeling closer to Christ and each other. Family time is important, but these sweet conversations during our family Bible…

Bountiful Baskets for Thanksgiving

Posted in Family, Homemaking, and Photography

Blessed?  I do believe so.  I am so thankful for our local (just a few minutes from the house) Bountiful Baskets.  I haven’t ordered for a while, and we’ve really missed it.  This week, knowing that Thanksgiving is next week, I ordered several baskets – 3 organic and 2 Thanksgiving hostess baskets.  Wow!  What wonderful baskets.  I told Munchkin and D that I might need to make the gluten free sweet potato muffins completely from scratch (I usually use canned sweet potato in the recipe) since we received so many sweet potatoes. Tonight, we dined on fresh salads with these…

Spreading Cheer with sendCheer Cheerios

Posted in Military Life

I was really happy to hear that some of you are going to join me and spread some cheer with the Cheerios sendCheer campaign.  We also appreciated your words of support for our family and other military families.  It really warms my heart.  I do want to let you know that some store are selling out of the special boxes extremely quickly (which is a great thing!).  Stores are getting regular shipments in, so if you don’t readily see the specially marked boxes, go ahead and ask if they have them in the back. Well, we headed out to pick…

Planning for the Future

Posted in Family, and Photography

Munchkin has a dream… a dream of owning an old truck.  When I say old truck, I’m talking about something from the 40s, 50s, or 60s.  She has a few years before she can actually drive it on her own, but she’s saving now.  She wants to try to purchase the truck sooner rather than later, so she and Daddy can work on the truck and get it ready for when she’s able to drive.  So much planning and researching is taking place around here. I’m so grateful that her Daddy is a truck guy, so he can guide her…