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Tag: Month of Thanksgiving

Saying Goodbye to a Furry Friend

Posted in Family, and Holidays

Today, my sister and my brother-in-law had to put down their family dog.  He was a larger than life black lab who loved to play and get into trouble.  We have very fond memories of him as he entered our lives shortly after Munchkin was born.  He and our puppy got along well, and they enjoyed playing together whenever we were able to visit (after we moved away). He was 11 1/2 years old, and he will be missed.  We are thankful for the time he was in ours lives.  Our “puppy” has been a bit down today.  It’s as…

Gratitude Tree

Posted in Holidays

Each year, we try to make up a different Gratitude Tree. It helps us really focus on being thankful throughout the month of November. Sometimes, when the preparations for the holidays begin, we start to lose focus on what Thanksgiving is all about. Stress and frustration begins to creep in while tempers at times flare. Instead of having a grateful, servant’s heart, we start to focus on “what about me”. This year, I created a tree and leaves from scrapbook paper. Munchkin, D, and I have been writing all of the things for which we are grateful. Our once bare…

Water in the Desert

Posted in Christian Life, and Holidays

While we were out exploring a new area, we came across some water in the desert.  Because this area is so dry, water is very precious.  We could see all different signs of life in the area.  Animal tracks were everywhere.  This unexpected water in the desert was an oasis for animals traveling through and living in the area. Waters in the Wilderness and Rivers in the Desert Do not remember former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make…

The Blessing of a Good Husband

Posted in Family, and Holidays

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. To say I love this man is a complete understatement.  He’s my best friend, and as much as we joke about the statement, he really does complete me. He loves the Lord and is a God-fearing man.  He seeks to be the spiritual leader and backbone of our family.  He’s in the Word daily. He works hard day in and day out to provide for us.  He doesn’t complain even if he’s in a great deal of pain.  He does what he needs to in order to complete the…

The Blessing of a Child

Posted in Family, and Holidays

Children are a gift from the Lord. It’s never easy to raise a child.  They don’t come with a handbook because each child would need their own personalized handbook.  Each child is so unique.  Thankfully, the Lord has given us some guidance in how to bring up our children to know and love Him in His Word. Life is not perfect, and I know that I make mistakes.  The Lord forgives.  Munchkin forgives.  D forgives.  I do my best to be a loving example for Munchkin.  Whenever I start to feel concerns rise up from within, whenever I get a…