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Category: Homemaking

Thursday: This and That

Posted in Family, Homemaking, Homeschooling, and Thoughts

I know that I haven’t been blogging much this week other than recipes and reviews/giveaways.  It’s been a busy week.  Plus, we’ve been enjoying the beautiful weather.  We’re taking advantage of these warm days before the summer heat sets in.  I’ve been spending less time on the computer and more time doing other things.  I just needed a bit of a break.  Soon enough, we’ll be hibernating for the summer. I’ve been happily baking, cooking, and creating new recipes. I had forgotten how relaxing it is to be in the kitchen just creating and having fun.  All too soon, it…

Gluten Free Soft Drop Sugar Cookies

Posted in Gluten Free, and Homemaking

I admit that cookies are my weakness, so it was hard when we went gluten free as I had to learn how to bake all my favorite cookies all over again. Sometimes a new recipe was a success and other times it was a flop. We’ve had many moments when the cookies were ok, but they weren’t like we remembered them. I’m always trying to improve on recipes that I’ve created to make a really good cookie. We really like sugar cookies around here. While crisp sugar cookies are yummy, our favorite sugar cookies are soft and chewy. Sugar cookies…

WFMW: Cooking Ingredient Prep

Posted in Homemaking

In order to make my nightly cooking easier, I try to do most of the prep work ahead of time. I buy most our of meat in bulk when it’s on sale.  Once I get it home, I divide the meat into dish size portions. I divide ground chicken/turkey into 1 lb portions and put in vacuum seal bags using my FoodSaver.  For the boneless, skinless chicken breasts, I place 3 in each vacuum seal bag.  Half of the bags have seasoning added and the other half are plain.  Adding the seasoning before freezing causes the chicken to absorb more…

Being Supermom?

Posted in Homemaking, Homeschooling, and Thoughts

The TOS Crew question of the week was “How do homeschoolers find time for everything?”  Well, seeing how I didn’t actually get the chance to write up my response to the question in time, I would have to say that we don’t. lol! We all have decisions to make about our time and priorities.  It’s pretty much impossible to get everything done that we’d like to accomplish each day even if we cut out all tv or other things viewed as time wasters. We always have one more thing that needs to be done or could be done. After my…

Gluten Free Pizza Pockets

Posted in Gluten Free, and Homemaking

Gluten Free Pizza Pockets Ingredients: 2 C gluten free flour 1/2 tsp salt 2 large eggs + 1 large egg yolk 1/2 C sour cream 1/4 C butter 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp oregano or Italian seasoning pizza sauce mozzarella cheese other pizza toppings (optional) warm water Directions: Start boiling a pot of water. Combine butter and gluten free flour until butter is pea-sized. Add salt, garlic powder, oregano, eggs, and sour cream. If needed, add warm water to form dough that is soft, but not sticky. (You may or may not need the water.) Roll out dough to…