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Category: Homemaking

A Working Stove and Oven

Posted in Holidays, and Homemaking

I had always taken a working stove/oven for granted until we started renting a house where the oven was completely unreliable and the burners on the stove didn’t work quite right.  Then, D blessed me at our previous house with a very nice stove/oven, and I realized, once again, how nice it was to have a quality, working appliance. In this house, I have a nice gas stove/oven that works.  While it may not be as nice as the one at our last house, it keeps an even, consistent temperature in the oven and all of the burners work well. …

GFCF Caramel Sauce

Posted in Gluten Free, and Homemaking

Gluten Free, Casein Free Caramel Sauce Recipe Ingredients: 2/3 cup coconut oil 2 cups coconut sugar (can use regular sugar, if desired) 1 can coconut milk 1/4 cup vanilla almond milk (can use regular almond milk, if desired) 1 cup sugar syrup* (this is a substitute for corn syrup) 1 1/2 teaspoon gf vanilla Directions: Place all ingredients in a large sauce pan. You’ll be stirring the ingredients throughout the process. Over medium high heat, bring to a slow boil. Reduce heat to medium low. Continue to stir occasionally until temperature reaches 230 degrees F on a candy thermometer. Remove…

GFCF Chocolate Sauce

Posted in Gluten Free, and Homemaking

Gluten Free Casein Free Chocolate Sauce Recipe Ingredients: 1 cup vanilla almond milk (if using regular almond milk, just add a little gfcf vanilla) 2 cups gfcf chocolate chunks (I use a dark chocolate or semi-sweet chocolate) Directions: Add milk to the pan and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Reduce temperature to medium-low and slowly added the chocolate, stirring constantly. Once the chocolate is completely incorporated into the milk, remove from heat and allow to cool. (It will thicken as it cools.) Store in a canning jar in the refrigerator.

Our Dishwasher

Posted in Holidays, and Homemaking

Munchkin started helping with dishes when she was fairly young.  Originally, she just unloaded the dishes from the dishwasher and put them away.  As she got a bit older, she started loading and unloading the dishwasher as well as hand washing dishes as needed. When we moved here, we found that our dishwasher did not work.  In fact, our dishes came out more dirty than when they went in.  Since we live on base, we have notified housing a few times, but nothing they did fixed the problem.  I grew tired of calling, so Munchkin started washing all dishes by…

Leading by Example

Posted in Christian Life, Family, and Homemaking

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 The older Munchkin gets, the more I realize that I need to lead more by example and not just in words.  I need to make sure she understands what we believe and why we believe it.  I am trying to teach her to not only hide God’s Word in her heart, but also dig into the Word to gain a better understanding of all that is being presented to us as Christians. Not only do I need…