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Category: Family

Thankful Thursday: Blessings

Posted in Family

“The LORD bless you and keep you;The LORD make His face shine upon you,And be gracious to you;The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,And give you peace.”Numbers 6:24-26 For more Thankful Thursday visit Iris. This week we experienced the wonderful blessing of being able to spend time with family from out of town. We had beautiful weather and just had a joyful time together. We were able to go to church together which is always a blessing. Later, we had even more family that was able to stop by for a visit. Munchkin really enjoyed this visit as she…

Thankful Thursday: Learning

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

Has your week ever started out in a way that made you feel like you just wanted to crawl back in bed and pull the cover over your eyes? You had so much to do and had no idea how you were going to get it all done? That was our week around here, but God had other plans for us. This week, we started back up with school. I was such a blessing watching Munchkin eager to learn again. Some of that love of learning had faded over the last few months because of the crazy schedule that we…

Marriage Monday: Challenge Week 2

Posted in Christian Life, and Family

It’s week 2 of the Honor Your Husband Challenge. This week started out with a big bump in the road. Not bad, but it’s going to keep me busy this week. We just found out last night that we’re going to have company this weekend. This means that I have to get the house done now. lol! Nothing like company to light a fire under you to get the unpacking done. What does this have to do with the challenge? Well, the truth is that I tend to get a bit cranky when I get faced with this type of…

Thankful Thursday: Nature

Posted in Family

This week, as I thought about my Thankful Thursday post, I looked around the yard and saw the beauty of the Lord’s creation. How can anyone not believe in God after looking at His wonderful creations. I am grateful that the Lord not only takes care of our needs, but also makes things beautiful for us to look at. I am grateful that food not only nourishes us, but it also tastes wonderful. I am grateful that I can hear the beautiful sounds of nature around me. I am grateful that I can smell the delicious aroma of baking bread…

Sewing Camp

Posted in Family, and Homemaking

This week, munchkin headed to sewing camp. Well, ok, so I drop her off at 9:30 and pick her up at 12:30, so it’s not exactly “heading to camp”. Anywho, she had to bring her own scissors, pins, and a pin cushion. Everything else is supplied. They take it at the pace of the participants, so who knows what they’ll be doing by the end of the week. Today, she came home with a pillow and a tote bag that she had made. She’s so proud of herself, and we’re proud of her too!! They’ll be making boxers tomorrow. I…