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Praising God in Everything

Posted in Family, and Photography

Be Happy

Project 365 – #056

I know that my encouraging word post concerned several people, so I wanted to make sure that everyone knows that we’re doing okay.  Yes, it’s been a crazy month here.  Yes, there have been several very frustrating days.  Illness for extended periods of time is conducive to frayed nerves and lack of patience.  I think the extra concern about us stems from the fact that I don’t normally focus on the negative aspects of life.  Why?  Honestly, because I try not to dwell on the bad as that doesn’t lend itself to any good. Sometimes, it’s good to just put it out there though because, as I saw, it may end up helping others.

That being said, while I may talk about our day-to-day life, I mostly likely won’t talk excessively about the bad stuff.  That’s not me – at least, not so much these days.  When I was younger, I tended to focus more on the negative, and I had a hot temper.  Those two traits are definitely not a good thing when combined.  As I matured and D (as a tool of the Lord) helped me mellow, I’ve learned to relax and focus on more of the positive.  At the same time, I became very much a realist who tells it like it is.  That trait also needs to be tempered so I do not come off as callused or insensitive.

Don't Worry

I find myself starting to ramble and get off track, so let me bring things back to where we are now.  What’s going on at the Marine Corps Nomads household?  Very simply – too much illness.  I’ve been struggling with migraines and being light-headed.  This has lead to an upset stomach more than once.  It’s also made it difficult to get as much done around the house as I would like.  Munchkin has also been suffering on and off with headaches which have lead to tummy troubles.  D has been having multiple doctor visits.  As it stands now, he will need to have back surgery in the near future.  We’re waiting for the results from tests for the final word.

I truly believe that the Lord never gives us more than we can handle, so we just tackle things one day at a time.  There are so many people that have it much worse than us.  We can’t complain because we have a nice roof over our heads, comfortable beds to sleep in, running water, warm showers, food for our bellies, working vehicles, a steady job, medical benefits, and many other blessings.

We will serve

This week, we watched Facing the Giants again.  We really enjoy this movie.  One of the things that always leaves a lasting impression is that the team has chosen to praise God in everything – win or lose.  They have decided that with God nothing is impossible.  That’s what I want for our family.  I want to praise God for both the good and the bad.  I want Him to be glorified in all that we do.

There are definitely times that I fall short. I fail in some way every single day of my life, but my goal – the mark that I’m shooting for – is to be the wife and mother that God intends me to be.  I can not do this if I’m constantly focusing on myself and the things that are going wrong.  I must turn my eyes toward Him and trust that He is in control.  I believe that He has an amazing plan for our family.

P.S. I rarely post pictures of myself, but since the last pictures featuring me were “sad” pictures, I thought I should post some that actually show me smiling which is honestly my most normal state thanks to Munchkin and D who always provide a good laugh even in stressful times.


  1. Yes! Yes! Yes!! What a beautifully written post, Heather! I, too, want to praise God in the good and the bad…and I’m constantly talking to my children about discontentment or negativity and… how can we have anything to complain about when Jesus went to the cross for us and never complained?? Then, in the next moment, I find myself mulling over something with negativity in my heart…and then “ouch”…I realize…am I truly being an example of praising the Lord in all things!?! So thankful the Lord can use my family and convict me when I am tempted to not practice what I believe (and preach!). We also are big fans of “Facing the Giants”…and that is my favorite thing about the movie too…how the coach emphasized praising God in the wins and the losses. Yes…may all glory go to Him!

    I will be praying for health and healing in your household! I don’t suffer from migraines, but hubby does…and I have witnessed how debilitating they can be. I think I’ve had one ONCE…and it was after the C-section of our second child. I was nauseated…and nothing took the incredible pain away but time…I never knew what a migraine was until then, and I instantly became so sympathetic for those who suffer with them regularly. I can’t imagine trying to run a household and homeschool day to day with those taking over. So sorry! In your series of posts here, though, your attitude and gratitude have spoken to my heart.

    Will be praying for you, D, and Munchkin!! (The Lord brought you to mind in my sleep last night ~ your whole family was in my dream and you were staying with us for a while!! I don’t remember much, but I remember we were good friends!) =)

    Be well ~ blessings…
    Katie recently posted..An Open Bible in Every RoomMy Profile

    February 25, 2011
  2. torry

    Yes, it is nice to see YOU! I have been wondering how you are, missing you and praying for you, not wanting to bother you much since I know you’re not feeling well. Remember to lean on the people around who can help you. 😉 Let them know what they can do….

    February 25, 2011
  3. jen

    lovely photos of you my friend
    praying for you
    your cared about by us 🙂
    jen recently posted..Five Question Friday!My Profile

    February 25, 2011
  4. Nice pictures of you! Love the tulip!
    Kristal recently posted..365-56My Profile

    February 25, 2011
  5. Glad to see you SMILE!

    February 25, 2011
  6. Lynda

    Well, I was very happy to see your smile! I am sorry to hear that bot you & Munchkin are having a hard time of it, allergies, headaches alll can cause tummy trouble 🙁 I’ll be saying a special prayer for the both of you & one for D too, surgery is never fun! I had a very scary surgery in March of 09 & it was a slow recovery process so please tell D that I will be keeping him in my prayers! Blessings to all of you & ((((((HUGS)))))) 🙂

    February 25, 2011
  7. Fun to see these pictures of you! I am very sorry you are all going through this time of troubles with illness–I will pray that it improves for all of you. Thank you for sharing with us, and give D and munchkin a hug from blogland. This has been a busy year for you, but I love knowing you are well deep down:)
    Heather recently posted..Meet Einstein- Science for KidsMy Profile

    February 27, 2011

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