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Fit Mommy Friday: Back in the Groove

Posted in Fitness

Fit Mommy FridayThe week before we left for vacation, I was finally able to get to back to using my Body Gospel fitness program.  I had been off for about a month due to various health reasons.  I knew that I would be starting from the beginning since I had been off for so long.  D had purchased me some new tennis shoes, so I didn’t have to wear Munchkin’s anymore.

On Monday, I got dressed in my exercise gear, made sure I had enough water, and popped in the dvd.  I admit that I was a bit hesitant because it had been so long since my last session.  The session started, and I was pleasantly surprised to realize that I was doing okay.  I actually was able to pick up wear I had left off and didn’t have to go at a slower pace.

For the next four days, I continued on with the Body Gospel program right on schedule.  By Friday, I was definitely sore, but it was a good sore.  I also knew that this would be the last day that I would be working out with the program until we got back from our trip.  (Isn’t that how it usually works out?  You get back into your exercise routine just to have something throw you off again.)

The next week and a half had us doing lots of hiking with small day packs.  There were 2 hikes in particular that were very difficult hikes for me due to distance and elevation.  2 years ago, I probably would not have been able to complete these hikes.  It was quite the time of rejoicing when I was able to complete both hikes with D and Munchkin.  D was so proud of me, and we all knew that it was a great accomplishment.  The other amazing thing was that I didn’t have to use my asthma inhaler during the hike.

For the most part, we ate well during the trip.  There were more snickers bars being eaten because they make good hiking food, but overall, we drank lots of water and ate good food.  (The nice thing about camping is that you can take and cook all of your own food.  We don’t have to rely on the local restaurants.)

The irony is that even though I was exercising a lot more over the last three weeks, eating healthy, and drinking more water I gained weight.  It’s just one of those crazy things I guess.  I keep telling myself it’s muscle. lol!

Do you use a specific exercise program?  What is your favorite type of exercise?  My favorite exercise is definitely doing stuff in the great outdoors such as hiking.

One Comment

  1. Yes, of course the weight is muscle!!

    Snickers bars? I LOVE those!!

    You are doing a wonderful job! So good to see that you can go back and pick up workouts when you are able.

    The hiking is a workout in itself. I love hiking!

    Mrs. White
    Mrs. White recently posted..Mama – Dry Your TearsMy Profile

    September 19, 2010

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