I knew that I needed to participate this week even though my blogging time is limited. You see, I’m not feeling happy, nor am I feeling thankful right now. This week has been rough with Munchkin being ill, and I’m starting to feel ill. But, I knew that if I started thinking about what I was thankful for this week, my mood would change…
I am so very grateful for my wonderful Heavenly Father who gives me the strength and patience that I have needed this week.
“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
I am grateful for this down time that I’m having due to my daughter’s need to rest. I have been able to do some reading and studying that I have wanted to get done.
“My brethern, count it all joy when you fall into various trials.” James 1:2
I am grateful that the Lord is continuing His work in me. Though I may be weak, He is strong. I’m constantly amazed at how He is changing and molding me. I love having those “light-bulb” moments that (unfortunately) usually come when I am at my weakest.
“My strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9
I am grateful that I am able to spend special time with my daughter. I am also grateful that I currently am able to talk to D on a daily (for the most part) basis.
I am also grateful for all of the prayers that have been said on our behalf.
“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.” Philippians 4:23
One of my dear friends is a military wife, and her husband is getting ready to deploy for the second time this year…for 7 months! I have a huge level of respect for you wives! I can’t imagine living for months at a time without my husband!
God bless you!
He must give you an abundance of grace!!!
Glad to see you got some blogging time too! Will keep you all lifted up. Good hearing from you and praising alongside of you that He continues to grow you!
I just said a prayer for you and will continue to do so. I know it is not easy at times being a military spouse and especially hard when our little ones are ill, we are ill and our husband is deployed. May God give you exactly what you need in every moment to walk this path you are on. I am so thankful that you have your faith in the Lord to carry you through the hard times. And, thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. (You can tell your daughter her bento box goodies will be in the mail tomorrow 🙂 Shipping, however, takes one week to arrive back to the States so you can begin looking for them at the end of next week) Blessings my friend!
I’m so sorry you aren’t feeling very well, praying for you here *hugs*
Bless you dear one, I am lifting your family up in my prayers.
I’m sorry you’re down. Taking care of a sick child is exhausting especially when you’re doing it without your spouse. I’ll be praying for you and your family.
I love the Philippians verse you shared at the end, what a blessing that is!
I’m sorry your little one is ill and that now you are starting feel ill too. I hope you are all better soon!! Thank you for sharing your thankful list with us. Blessing for a wonderful, health-filled week ahead.
I’m sorry you are not feeling well. 🙁
Great thankful list! I’m still praying!
Hey girl
Sorry you are having a rough time. We have a little stomach but going through and are on the up side now.
Hope you feel better soon. I loved your comment about the light bulb moments. It is so true that those moments usually take place when we are at our weakest.
What a great example of going to the Word in the midst of your trials. Thankyou for sharing from your struggles. May continued blessings and healing be on their way…
I love visiting you on TT. I see your heart and I appreciate you were compelled to give thanks.
Hope you fell better today.
Philippians 4:13
What a wonderful sacrifice of praise! You do indeed have so much to be thankful for!
God Bless!
I’m so thankful that God doesn’t give up on us. He is your strength dear girl. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.
I too have found that the best time to write about being thankful can be those times when you really don’t feel thankful at all. Here’s one example:
Stop by when you have time! 🙂
And we will continue to keep you and all the other families who have a loved one serving in the military in our thoughts and prayers.
I have a good friend who was a chaplain for many years. He got burned out from all of the traveling, never having roots. . .and finally, a year in Iraq did it. He said he could no longer handle the senseless killing and being shot at all the time. That was a sobering statement that really made me stop and think.
I admire those who continue serving and the families who support them. Hang in there this week!