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Catching Up

Posted in Family, Homeschooling, Military Life, and Thoughts

Playing Piano with Daddy

Sadly, it’s been way too long since I’ve posted. We’ve been busy with different activities and unfortunately, some illness over the past month.

November Highlights:

November 4th was the Marine Corps Ball. Munchkin attended with us for the first time this year. It was wonderful watching the ceremony through the eyes of a child. The waitstaff was wonderful and made her feel like a princess. They brought her all of her own special food (even though that wasn’t part of what was “required” of them). All in all, it was a wonderful evening. You can see our picture on the opening page of the blog.

On November 9th, I was sick, so D took Munchkin to her Linda Bailey field trip. They talked about the skulls of different animals and animal identification. Later that day, he took her to her homeschool p.e. class. Munchkin was thrilled to have Daddy home to take her that day.

November 10th was the Marine Corps Birthday and the Opening of the Marine Corps Museum. D worked the event which (other than being highly uncomfortable in his Dress Blues) was a true blessing. He was able to escort a retired Marine (in a wheelchair) through the museum.

November 15th held a fun morning of Moo Bingo at Chick-fil-A. Instead of the traditional “Bingo” call when you get bingo, you MOOOOO since the mascot for Chick-fil-A is a cow hold an eat more chiken sign.

On the 16th and the 30th, Munchkin enjoyed going to art class in the morning (pottery then Chinese brush painting) and then p.e. in the afternoon.

Monday, the 20th held a fun morning at Ferry Farm — George Washington’s boyhood home. We learned about the Indians in the area years ago during the time of the pilgrims. They even worked at cracking a walnut with a stone and grinding the walnut meat with a stone. They learned about how they made their canoes and various weapons. They also learned more about how they helped the Pilgrims on their first winter.

Relaxing at campground

On Monday night (the 20th) after gymnastics, we got on the road to head down to Georgia for D’s brother’s graduation ceremony from Army OCS. We stopped later that evening at a rest area to get a little sleep. It was FREEZING as we had no heat. BRRRRR!!!

It’s Tuesday and we’re back on the road. We arrive at the campground in Georgia before sunset. The campground was very nice and we had deer all around us. Although it was a bit chilly when we pulled in, the weather was absolutely beautiful for the rest of our stay. We enjoyed being able to sit around outside the trailer at the end of November.

Swearing Dave in as an Army Officer

Wednesday (22nd) was D’s brother’s graduation. After graduation and the swearing in of D’s brother by D, we headed out to eat as a family. Afterward, we got together at the trailer for some more chatting. The kids had a blast playing.

2006 Thanksgiving Turkey

On Thursday — Thanksgiving Day — I prepared the full traditional turkey dinner for everyone. We had a great day of food, fun, and family. The kids had fun running around a playing and the adults enjoyed a nice time of fellowship and relaxing. In the evening, we made a nice fire. We sat around the fire talking and roasting marshmallows. A perfect ending to a wonderful day.

Friday we were back on the road again heading home. This time we stopped at a campground before it got dark. It was nice to have a good relaxing evening before we got back on the road on Saturday morning. Saturday was filled with driving at traffic. We unpacked the trailer and got it ready for the winter on Sunday.

On Wednesday, Nov 29th, we headed over to Chick-fil-A once again for ornament making. We’re making ornaments for local homeless shelters and nursing homes. Munchkin and I have had a lot of fun all month long making ornaments for this purpose. On December 9th, we’ll be heading over to the homeless shelter to hand out the ornaments and homemade goodies and for some caroling. It should be a good evening.

Well, that brings us back up to date. Sorry for the long post…

One Comment

  1. Dan

    The opening ceremony at the museum was pretty good. I escorted a lot of people around and stood up front while the President spoke. Afterwards I walked through part of the museum with a veteran from the Guadalcanal campaign. It was pretty cool hearing his stories and what it was really like there.

    December 7, 2006

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