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Tag: Tackle It Tuesday

Tackle It Tuesday: Family Time

Posted in Family, and Homemaking

D came home late Monday night and has off Tuesday (yes!), so our tackle it for Tuesday will be family time. I think we may go see a movie, but I know that we’ll be renting Charlotte’s Web since my daughter has been begging to see it. lol! We’re just going to spend the day reuniting as a family and having some good old fashioned fun!! No working today! The rest of the week’s tackle will be packing, packing, and more packing. I think we may take a load of stuff down to the new house this weekend, and then…

Tackle It Tuesday: Painting

Posted in Homemaking

We’re at the new house working and having fun. Ok, so I have a lot of painting and tasks to do this week, but for Tackle It Tuesday, I will be tackling this!!Yes, that is a painted on blue and orange “tile” backsplash. Now, the idea was a good one, but it’s got to go. So, today, we’ll be saying goodbye to the fake tiles and the lime green walls in the eat-in kitchen. If all goes well, I will also paint the attached laundry room… For the rest of the week, I will be tackling painting the lime green…

Tackle It Tuesday: Packing

Posted in Homemaking

Well, as you know, we closed on our new house on Friday. Now, it’s time to really get to work packing. I posted a moving boxes wanted on my local freecycle group, and received a couple of offers. I’ll be picking up those boxes today. No more putting off the packing now. We’ve created a staging area in one room (for now) where all of the boxes will go. So, my first tackle will be picking up the boxes. My next tackle will be finishing the packing in the staging room. My daughter will be joining me in this tackle…

Tackle It Tuesday: Organization

Posted in Homemaking

This week, for Tackle it Tuesday, I decided that I needed to tackle cleaning and organizing the refrigerator, freezer, and pantry. Thankfully, D was willing to help me take care of the few science experiments that were found. I think everything ended up looking pretty good in the end. Updated to add the spice cabinet. I was motivated to finish up all areas, so I also tackled the spice cabinet today.

Tackle it Tuesday: Baking

Posted in Homemaking

Last night, while munchkin was at gymnastics, D informs me that we don’t have anything for his lunch other than the actual lunch. In other words, he needs some snackage. So, today’s Tackle It Tuesday task is to get a bunch of baking done with my daughter. In the plans are: brownies, cookies, and oatmeal bars. Now, I’ve never made these oatmeal bars, but I keep saying that I’m going to try. Well, today, I’ve decided it’s time to do it. We already have all the stuff that we need, so now, it’s time to just get it done. We’ll…