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Tag: Quotes

What is Real Learning?

Posted in Homeschooling

When I saw this quote, I knew that I needed to design a graphic/poster with it. It’s so true. “I imagine a school system that recognizes learning is natural, that a love of learning is normal, and that real learning is passionate learning. A school curriculum that values questions above answers… creativity above fact regurgitation… individuality above conformity.. and excellence above standardized performance….. And we must reject all notions of ‘reform’ that serve up more of the same: more testing, more ‘standards’, more uniformity, more conformity, more bureaucracy.” ~Tom Peters~ This is one of the reasons that we homeschool. We…

Marriage Monday: A Place of Rest

Posted in Christian Life, and Family

  I’ve been giving a lot of thought lately into what makes a marriage work.  Obviously, marriage is not easy, and a healthy marriage doesn’t just happen.  We have to work at it every day, fight for it, never grow complacent. One of the simplest things we can do as wives is make sure our homes are a place of peace, rest, comfort for our entire family – especially our spouse.  Does my home welcome my husband?  Does he look forward to walking through the door after a hard day of work?  If not, what can I do to change…

A Wise Old Owl

Posted in Family, Photography, and Thoughts

A wise old owl sat on an oak; The more he saw the less he spoke; The less he spoke the more he heard; Why aren’t we like that wise old bird? ~author unknown~ This beautiful owl has taken up residence in the bushes in our front yard. He/she has been there since D came home from the hospital. It’s a blessing to have this lovely creature available to watch.  It’s a constant reminder to me that the Lord provides for us in many different ways.  When I see an owl, I think of wisdom and deep thinking and being…