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Tag: Off Road Fun

Exploring Bulldog Canyon Day 1

Posted in Family, Outdoor Adventures, and Photography

Since my Dad and Stepmom are here visiting, we thought it would be fun to head out exploring with our RZR and D’s dirt bike. Our RZR only seats 2 people, so we found a place that rented RZRs. Grandpa and Munchkin were in one RZR (the rental) while I drove Grandma in my RZR. D took the lead which, as usual, lead to some crazy times on the trails, but we had a blast. Here are some of the sights from today’s trip to Bulldog Canyon. Project 365 – #026 This area is stunning. We’ll be heading out for…

Exploration and a Hike

Posted in Family, Outdoor Adventures, and Photography

We decided that it would be fun to take Grandma and Grandpa over to an area that we briefly explored before – the water in the desert area.  This time, we wanted to hike up to a mine area that we saw from our parking space near the water.  We had hiked a short way up the road, but this was a chance to really explore and hike up to the top of the hill. Yesterday, I posted a couple of pictures from the top of the hill.  When we started the hike, the top didn’t look that it was…

First Exploration of 2011

Posted in Family, and Outdoor Adventures

Our time in the desert camping over New Years was a bit chilly, but it was extremely relaxing and enjoyable.  Due to being plagued with migraines and headaches the last month or so, I’ve needed more rest than normal.  Not only was I able to get some much needed rest, but D was able to get an excellent break from the day-to-day grind at work.  We had simple meals and used mainly disposable plates. Munchkin brought some of her Schliech animals with her and created elaborate stories with them.  She had dinosaurs crossing the desert as well as stories of…

Water in the Desert

Posted in Christian Life, and Holidays

While we were out exploring a new area, we came across some water in the desert.  Because this area is so dry, water is very precious.  We could see all different signs of life in the area.  Animal tracks were everywhere.  This unexpected water in the desert was an oasis for animals traveling through and living in the area. Waters in the Wilderness and Rivers in the Desert Do not remember former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make…