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Tag: Off Road Fun

The Making of a KTM Dual Sport Bike

Posted in Family, and In the Garage

D sadly said goodbye to his Yamaha dirt bike after the back surgeries as he knew that he wouldn’t be able to ride for some time. He also knew that he eventually wanted to have a dual sport bike (primarily off-road, but also street legal), and he couldn’t convert his particular Yamaha to make this happen. We set aside the money from his old bike, and he began some serious research during his down time to see what he wanted. Ultimately, he bike of choice was a KTM. The problem? A new bike was well out of the price range…

Ferguson Lake & Rescue One Memorial

Posted in Family, Military Life, Outdoor Adventures, and Photography

Daddy decided that we would take a short off-roading trip on Saturday afternoon, so we quickly loaded up the truck and headed out. While we had been to the general area before, we had never made it all the way back to Ferguson Lake. Ferguson Lake road snakes through the Imperial long-term visitor area where many snowbirds stay during the winter months and weaves through Senator Wash and some of the Chocolate Mountains until you arrive at the end of the road. There is nothing, but beautiful scenery, hiking trails, and wildlife once you arrive. Climbing to the top… Thankfully,…

Bittersweet Off-Roading Trip

Posted in Family, Outdoor Adventures, and Photography

Two weeks ago, we decided that it was time to take an off-roading trip. D felt that he could once again handle some of the jostling that takes place during the trip, and we felt that our new pups were at a point where they would do okay in the vehicle. We quickly learned that we were out of practice when it came to getting ready for our outing. There was a time where we could be ready to go in no time flat, but apparently, we are really, really out of practice. Yep, it had been longer than we…

An Afternoon Drive – Desert Style

Posted in Christian Life, Outdoor Adventures, and Photography

Project 365 – #240 When we head out into the desert, we always make sure we have plenty of water and some food.  In the hot summer months, we always make sure the air conditioning is working before we head out as the temps can be in the 110+ range.  It’s hard to imagine what the Israelites must have gone through while living in the desert for 40 years.  (Yes, it was a different desert landscape, but it makes me understand more of the hardships that they may have encountered living in a dry land.) They were disobedient/doubtful, yet, the Lord continued…

Desert Graffiti

Posted in Outdoor Adventures, and Photography

Project 365 – #239 Today, we headed out to do a little exploring in the Picacho Peak area.  During our drive, we came across a large area covered by some unique desert graffiti.  (This picture is an extremely small sampling of the graffiti area.)  The great thing about this graffiti is that it doesn’t damage the area.  In fact, this display actually uses the natural surroundings to create the graffiti.  We had heard about this area (and D had seen it from the air), but we’d never been to the desert graffiti location.  It was fun seeing all the creative…