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Tag: Friends

A Fun Bestie Surprise

Posted in Family, and Military Life

On Tuesday, I received a text message from Munchkin’s best friend’s mom (who, for now, lives in North Carolina). They were heading through our neck of the woods after visiting with family, and there was the possibility that we would be able to meet up. Back and forth the texting went as we plotted behind our daughter’s backs to get the two of them together if only for a short period of time as they made their way from point A to point B. It was hard not to say anything as I was excited that Munchkin was going to…

Footprints in Your Heart

Posted in Family, and Military Life

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. ~author unknown~ Munchkin enjoyed spending some quality time with her friend on Friday before they said their goodbyes. It was an extremely tear filled goodbye, and it broke this mama’s heart to see the girls hurting so much. Daddy and I took it upon ourselves to side track Munchkin by having a family movie night. Unfortunately, when we headed out to grab the movie and snacks, I ended up missing my opportunity to say goodbye to my friend. **sigh** Thankfully,…

Playing with the Herd

Posted in Family, and Photography

On any given day, you can probably find Munchkin and her good friend behind our houses in the grassy area playing. Many days, you will find them playing with the herd. It takes them some time to get everything all set up as between the two of them they have quite the set of horses. (They do take breaks from the horses and play with other animals or occasionally American Girls, but lately, horses seem to be the animal of choice.) They can play for hours (if allowed) with the horses. They make up elaborate stories to go along with…

End of Year Testing 2010

Posted in Homeschooling

Today is Munchkin’s end of year testing.  While we are not required by Arizona state law to perform the testing, we have chosen to do it anyway.  I am able to administer the test at home, so we don’t have to go anywhere for the actual test.  Munchkin seriously dislikes taking standardized tests, but I feel it’s important for her to get use to the concept. Right now, we’re taking a lunch break, so Munchkin is outside eating lunch with her friend.  (It’s so nice to have fellow homeschoolers who live next door.)  It’s an absolutely beautiful day, so I…

Odd happenings in the desert…

Posted in Family, Photography, and Thoughts

Last night, the rain began to fall.  The soft pitter patter could be heard outside our window.  I love listening to the sound of rain, and that sound so often heard when we were on the East Coast is rarely heard here.  There is something soothing about falling asleep to that rhythmic sound. By the time we got up and around, the rain had stopped.  We took D to the airport and said the sad farewells.  Whether it’s a few days, a few weeks, or a few months, the goodbyes are never easy on Munchkin.  This time, he’s only gone…