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Odd happenings in the desert…

Posted in Family, Photography, and Thoughts

Last night, the rain began to fall.  The soft pitter patter could be heard outside our window.  I love listening to the sound of rain, and that sound so often heard when we were on the East Coast is rarely heard here.  There is something soothing about falling asleep to that rhythmic sound.

By the time we got up and around, the rain had stopped.  We took D to the airport and said the sad farewells.  Whether it’s a few days, a few weeks, or a few months, the goodbyes are never easy on Munchkin.  This time, he’s only gone for the week.

Our furry friend had decided to take the trip the airport with us, so that immediately lifted Munchkin’s mood.  Due to the timing of D’s departure, we did not head to church today.  Once we got home, Munchkin set off to complete the chores she needed to have done before her friend could come over to play.

Then, a large rumbling began to be heard and storm clouds filled the skies.  In a flash, rain was falling down.  Just as suddenly, the rain turned to HAIL!  Just as quickly, it turned back to rain.  Then it stopped.  There was a brief lull before it started all over again.  (side note: we seem to always get crazy weather right after D leaves for a trip longer than a couple of days, so this was rather amusing.)  This time, I was able to snap a few pictures of the hail on Munchkin’s trampoline.

Hail on Trampoline

After the crazy weather had passed, Munchkin’s friend came over to play.  I made up some pizza dough and set them aside to allow the dough to rise.  While I was waiting for the dough, I decided to start reading.  It’s been some time since I’ve been able to sit down and read a fictional book that was meant for my age group. lol!  Knowing me, I’ll stay up too late tonight reading.

After the dough had risen, I pre-baked the crust and then made the pizzas.  Unfortunately, I had a little incident as I was putting one of the pizzas in the oven which resulted in cheese being spilled onto the bottom of the oven.  Well, this lead to smoke and the fire alarm going off and crazy waving of a shirt in front of the fire alarm to get it to stop going off…  The good news is that the pizzas turned out really well.

A little while later, the girls were having fun playing on the Wii while I had the opportunity to just sit and chat with our neighbor.  While my daughter’s friend went home to eat supper, Munchkin and I were able to talk with D.  His flight was delayed due to the weather, but he’s all settled in now.

The girls are now having a slumber party and playing Monopoly and horses.  I hear lots and lots of giggling coming from Munchkin’s room.  I need to get some of my Bible reading done, and then, I head back to reading my book.  It’s been a crazy day here in the desert…


  1. jen

    looks like there was a fair bit of hail

    pleased you got to read your book and Munchkin had a fun time with her friend 🙂

    March 8, 2010
  2. Rather interesting – Melbourne, in Australia also had hail – HUGE hail that punctured holes in house roofs, and LOTS of rain.

    Where we are, we’ve just had the rain, and it has been most welcome – it saves about a week of watering the garden. 😀 Praise God for His mercies are new every morning – great is His faithfulness!

    Have a wonderful and blessed week,
    Jillian ♥

    March 8, 2010
  3. Oh, wow! HOw crazy is the weather? I get nervous when we get hail here, as sometimes it comes before tornados. Ugh!

    I’ve had that with my pizza and put another baking sheet on rack underneath to catch the cheese. 😀

    March 8, 2010
  4. Lynda

    Sounds like you had a busy day! Glad that Munchkin was able to get her mind off of D leaving…I kno wit must be hard for te both of you to have him gone, but…it sounds like she had a great day!!! God Bless!

    March 8, 2010

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