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Category: Photography

A New Humidifier

Posted in Family, Photography, and Reviews

Project 365 – #052 Last week, when we visited our local health food store to pick up some gluten free bread and peanut butter, I saw this lovely looking humidifier.  We were in the market for a new cool mist humidifier because our current warm mist humidifiers just weren’t working for us in this hot climate.   Plus, I had heard that it’s better to use a cool mist humidifier.  The store owners had the humidifier running near the cash register, so I inquired about it. The cashier informed me that it was an Humio ultrasonic cool mist humidifier with a…

Bread Alone

Posted in Christian Life, and Photography

Project 365 – #051 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ~Matthew 4:1-4~

Just Relaxing

Posted in Photography

Project 365 – #050 Today was a day for relaxing and that included our puppy.  Yes, he sleeps in the bed with us.  He use to hop right up onto the bed, but now he needs to be lifted up.  He has no problem hopping down which means that I need to lift him up onto the bed several times during the night. Anyway, we enjoyed watching the NBA All-Star activities this afternoon/evening while Munchkin and D put together a Lego set.  The slam dunk contest did not disappoint this year.  Tomorrow, we’ll probably watch the All-Star game. Do you…

Be Yourself

Posted in Family, and Photography

Project 365 – #049 One of the things that I’m constantly impressing upon Munchkin is the importance of being true to herself.  It’s so easy to get caught up in trying to fit in or striving to please others.  Somehow, during that process, the true person within gets lost in the shuffle.  The person that the Lord made us to be starts to slip away. The funny thing is that while I sit here and try to teach Munchkin these valuable principles I am forced to reflect on how I am handling my own life.  What are my motivations for…

Charting a Course

Posted in Family, and Photography

Project 365 – #048 D and I are both planners.  We like to have a course charted in most if not all areas of our lives, but there are times when something happens and we’re blown off our planned course.  We’re currently dealing with some of those crazy storms right now.  (Lest friends and family worry… Nothing terrible is going on, but the storms are there just the same.) If you’re in the military, you’re familiar with the term Semper Gumby.  You expect things to be unknown.  Plans can change in the blink of an eye.  It becomes so routine…