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Category: Photography

Mommy and Me Time

Posted in Family, and Photography

Project 365 – #057 As Munchkin grows older, I’m seeing more and more how important it is for us to have “mommy and me” time. Typically, when I hear Mommy and Me, I think of something for younger kids, but the reality is that older kids need that special one-on-one time just as much as the younger kids.  In fact, I think to some degree they may actually need it more.  They need to know that although they are growing older they can be secure in the love of their parents. The importance of nurturing a healthy relationship and encouraging…

Praising God in Everything

Posted in Family, and Photography

Project 365 – #056 I know that my encouraging word post concerned several people, so I wanted to make sure that everyone knows that we’re doing okay.  Yes, it’s been a crazy month here.  Yes, there have been several very frustrating days.  Illness for extended periods of time is conducive to frayed nerves and lack of patience.  I think the extra concern about us stems from the fact that I don’t normally focus on the negative aspects of life.  Why?  Honestly, because I try not to dwell on the bad as that doesn’t lend itself to any good. Sometimes, it’s…

Polymer Gifts for Friends

Posted in Homemaking, and Photography

Project 365 – #055 For Valentine’s Day this year, Munchkin decided that she wanted to make something special for her friends.  Seeing how she was having so much fun with the polymer clay roses, she decided to keep with the polymer clay theme. She created some crazy creatures (notice the heart in it’s mouth) and these lovely heart necklaces.  I just adore her creativity. My favorite part is that she did this all on her own.  The only role I played in her creation was baking the clay pieces.  While I very much enjoy doing things with her, I’ve found…

Gluten Free Granola

Posted in Gluten Free, Homemaking, and Photography

Project 365 – #054 Hearty Gluten Free Granola Recipe Ingredients: 1 C brown sugar 1 C coconut oil 1 C honey 2 Tbsp cinnamon 3 tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp almond extract 13 C gluten free oats 2 1/2 C raisins 1 C chopped walnuts 1 C sliced almonds 1 C hulled sunflower seeds 1/2 C flax seeds Directions: Mix brown sugar, oil, and honey in a small saucepan bringing to a low boil.  Once boiling, remove from heat. Stir in cinnamon, vanilla extract, and almond extract. Pour sugar mixture over gluten free oats in a large bowl. Mix until…

An Encouraging Word

Posted in Christian Life, Homemaking, Homeschooling, Photography, and Reviews

The morning has just begun, but I already feel like I want – I need to just crawl back into bed and pull the covers up over my head.  One thing going wrong seems to lead to another thing going wrong.  Before I know it, everything seems to be spiraling out of control. The house that I just finished cleaning is already a mess.  I have no idea what I’m making for lunch – much less how I’m going to manage to get dinner on the table.  Munchkin is feeling sick.  I’m feeling a migraine coming on.  School?  Well, we’re…