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Category: Homesteading

Peach Fruit Leather

Posted in Gluten Free, Homemaking, and Homesteading

We had several pounds of local peaches on hand, and they were starting to get a little too ripe for most purposes. Of course, this makes them perfect for making peach fruit leather. I cleaned them up, cut them up, and placed them in the blender to create peach puree. Because these peaches were deliciously sweet, I didn’t add any sweetener. While I need to get a little more consistent with the thickness of the puree on the drying sheets, they turned out well. Even the ones that were a little too crisp made yummy fruit leather sheets. (They wouldn’t…

First Veggies of the Season

Posted in Family, and Homesteading

Back in March, we created our new raised bed garden at this house using lots of composted manure for the soil. Between being in a new state and using a new medium for growing, I wasn’t sure how well our new veggies would grow, so this really was just a test run for us. We planted a few tomato plants (which haven’t done very well due to critters), some sage, some mint, a few pepper plants, some potatoes, and lots of squash seeds. Slowly we watched the herbs and squash grow. Pretty soon, the squash was taking over the one…

DIY: Paracord Bracelets

Posted in Family, and Homesteading

This post contains affiliate links. Making paracord bracelets is fun and useful for kids and adults alike. Whether you just want to wear them as a fashion statement or you want them to be part of your camping/backpacking survival gear, they are a great project for a rainy day. Munchkin and I had a blast making our paracord bracelets using the basic pattern. D already had paracord (aka 550 cord), so we just used what we had on hand. Amazon also carries a nice variety of colors in both the 550 cord and 750 cord. We also picked up some…

Bring Our Horses Home Part 2

Posted in Family, and Homesteading

By the time we arrived home from the rescue, it was dark which was not the plan. We had hoped to get the horses settled while it was still light outside. Daddy and Munchkin walked the horses around and showed them around their new home. Thankfully, we had a bright moon to help light at least some of the area. It was a long night as the horses were quite restless which made the dogs go crazy for most of the night. Needless to say, we were rather tired the next day. The new routine began as we got up…

Bringing Our Horses Home Part One

Posted in Family, and Homesteading

Over the last few weeks, Daddy and daughter have been working on getting our rental property set up to bring our horses home as time allowed. Stage one was pouring footings for the shelter for their stalls. They allowed the concrete to cure a couple of days before moving on to stage two. Daddy taught Munchkin about how things needed to be measured in order for it all to turn out right. This was the beginning of the shelter for the first stall. The main posts are in place with the first headers done on the backside of the stalls.…