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Category: Homesteading

Our DIY Rustic Wood Gate

Posted in Family, Homemaking, and Homesteading

One of the things that was on our “to-do” list for our next visit to the cabin was putting up a fence for the dogs. Now, we didn’t want to spend a ton of money, and we needed something that was easy as the ground is hard at the cabin. We looked at our different options, and just decided on t-posts and some cattle fence. The only issue was that I didn’t want to use a cattle or chain-link gate. I wanted something that looked nice. We finally decided that we would just make our own gate, so we could…

Power Outage and Packrats

Posted in Family, and Homesteading

One thing we didn’t count on experiencing while we were at the cabin was a power outage and a packrat problem. Normally, packrats come into the house during the winter, so that’s when you experience issues. Well, in our case, I think everything was so torn up during the winter that they just came and went as they pleased and we never saw them. Now that the house is buttoned up tight, we, unfortunately, got to know these critters. For the first few days, we were catching 1-2 a night. By the time we left, we were no longer catching…

A Few More Updates at the Cabin

Posted in Family, and Homesteading

We had a productive and relaxing time at the cabin this past week. It feels good to be coming to the end of fixing things up. Yes, there will be some other changes implemented in time, but the things we had to get done due to the burst pipe are nearly complete. While we were up there, we picked up some cabinets off craigslist for $10. They were solid, but in rough condition, so Munchkin and I refinished 2 of them for the dining room where we are creating a modified pantry area. They still need a top, but because…

My New Dehydrator

Posted in Homemaking, and Homesteading

I was so excited when I was finally able to order a dehydrator as it’s something that I’ve been wanting for several years. Thanks to saving up Amazon gift cards (some from my Swagbucks* search as well as some that I’ve received for special occasions), I ordered the dehydrator a little over a week ago. Now, I could dehydrate the food that we couldn’t get to before it went bad. Yes, freezing works well for many foods, but the idea of being able to store food without the freezer and in a smaller space was definitely a draw for me.…

Cabin Updates: New Floor and Laundry Room

Posted in Family, and Homesteading

Last Tuesday, Munchkin and I headed up to the cabin with the pups and the guinea pigs. D was over in 29 Palms, so we thought we’d get a little work done at the cabin while he was there. We also took this opportunity to enjoy some fun mommy daughter time. 😉 D drove over from 29 Palms later in the week once he completed his work stuff. We found ourselves working quite hard to complete some main things at the cabin including laying all of the floor in the cabin. Since I had already completed the master bedroom floor…