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Category: Homeschooling

Homeschooling ideas, tips, and resources.

You know you’re a homeschooler when…

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

You receive a package in the mail that contains a new dictionary and your child responds: “OOOOOHHHHH COOOOOOOOL!!!” Yes, yesterday we received our brand new Webster’s 1828 Dictionary via UPS. We were both very excited. My daughter immediately had to show it to her cousin (they were doing a video chat) as she thought it was really cool. As soon as she was done chatting with her cousin, she took the dictionary to my room and started looking through it.

The Video Series

Posted in Homeschooling, and Reviews

Well, since I was so excited about the video series that I found, I figured that I should share it and not keep it to myself. lol! There are a lot of different series put out by Schlessinger Media. We’re using the Grammar for Children series, the Map Skills for Children series, and the Physical Science series right now. They also put out different Earth Science dvds, Weather Fundamentals, History dvds, Math dvds… You name it; they probably have it. Many of their series come in different grade levels as well which is really nice depending on how in depth…

Thankful Thursday: Learning

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

Has your week ever started out in a way that made you feel like you just wanted to crawl back in bed and pull the cover over your eyes? You had so much to do and had no idea how you were going to get it all done? That was our week around here, but God had other plans for us. This week, we started back up with school. I was such a blessing watching Munchkin eager to learn again. Some of that love of learning had faded over the last few months because of the crazy schedule that we…

Homeschoolestore Giveaway

Posted in Homeschooling

During their Mother’s Day promotion, Homeschoolestore had some server issues, so now they are re-offering their Mother’s Day freebies… Mother’s Day Giveaway Redo and Customer Loyalty Event!Beginning June 25th at 10:00 AM EST26 Free titles AND 10% credit on all purchases! Homeschoolestore offers a new freebie each week. Plus, they carry a lot of great products!! Head on over to check it out.

A New School Year

Posted in Homeschooling, and Thoughts

It’s hard to believe, but we’re getting ready to start the new school year. Yes, I know that sounds odd considering most public schools just got finished with their year, but we homeschool year around. Why? Honestly, munchkin is better able to stay on top of things when there isn’t a long break in between learning periods. Also, we like to be able to take breaks as we see fit. Often this means, whenever Daddy is home, we’re not schooling. We can take time off whenever we have family in town or when we need to head somewhere. This allows…