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Category: Homeschooling

Homeschooling ideas, tips, and resources.

Our Weather Lapbook

Posted in Homeschooling

On Tuesday, we completed our study on the weather. We used the Hands of a Child Weather lapbook. We’ve had lots of crazy weather lately, so it was interesting to see how it all tied in. There were even several specials on tv that covered extreme weather. Unfortunately, Munchkin was unable to draw the clouds for the project. She’ll have to do that at a later time since it was actually too cloudy or rainy for her to capture good clouds to draw.

BFS #103: It keeps going, and going, and going

Posted in Fun, Homemaking, Homeschooling, and Thoughts

Assignment: How do you keep energized so you can get it all done? bouncy music? treat it like a workout? Do you use a schedule?, a housekeeping binder system? luck of the draw system?.. or is this an area where you need encouragement? Do you need God’s help to keep order and beauty in your dwelling place? Take this week to tell us how You diligently keep going with your housekeeping chores.Hmmm…. Apparently, this is becoming the theme of my week. House work, house cleaning, organizing, de-cluttering. This is truly an area that I struggle with as I tend to…

Soccer Season 2008

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

Munchkin’s soccer season has officially begun. Last week for Friday and Saturday’s practices, we were sweltering in 90 degree heat. This week for Friday’s practice and today’s clinic the temperature was just right. It was in the low 70s with a nice breeze. Our league starts out the season with a clinic to teach all of the kids the basics of the game. Munchkin had fun learning how to do the throw ins. Last year, they only had them do the throw ins with both feet planted. This year, they’re learning how to run up and throw the ball with…

BFS Assignment #102 – Try It, You’ll Like It!

Posted in Fun, Homeschooling, and Thoughts

Assignment: This week I want you to do something for someone else. Do you have a neighbor that needs you? Do you know an elderly person or single mom that could use you? What about the homeless? Pack even one single sack lunch and give it to someone in need. Do you know someone in blogland that is struggling right now and could use a note from you about how much you care? Pray about this. Let God put on your heart the perfect thing for you to do for another. Now, here is the kicker…I DO NOT want you…