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Category: Homeschooling

Homeschooling ideas, tips, and resources.

Teach Me How

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

As parents, we’ve been given a wonderful gift that comes with great responsibility. Will we embrace it or run away from it?  We lead by example.  What kind of example are we setting?  Do our actions match our words? Lord, grant me the ability to recognize my weaknesses and allow you to work through me to be the type of parent you want me to be.  Help me as I seek to be a good example to Munchkin in all that I do including being a teacher, wife, and mother. You can download the Teach Me How Poster for personal…

Latin and Snacking

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

Project 365 – #292 What?  Those two things don’t go hand-in-hand in your mind?  Around here, watching Latin lessons seems to go hand-in-hand with snacking, and this picture really does capture the moment even if it is a bit fuzzy.  Munchkin was happy to be able to have chips and dip while sitting in bed watching her Latin lesson.  Hey, what can I say?  I’m a bit of a softy as she was tired from working hard at the stables this morning, so I allowed her to relax in bed while she did her school work and enjoyed a snack.…

Homeschooling: To Budget or Not To Budget?

Posted in Homeschooling, and Photography

To budget or not to budget… that is the question for our homeschool this Monday morning. We’re in a unique situation for a military and homeschooling family.  We have an only child.  It’s definitely not the norm for either of these circles, but it is the norm for us.  We embraced the uniqueness of our family situation given to us by the Lord.  Being that we do have an only, we are able to spend more on schooling if necessary.  That being  said, I like to keep costs down as much as possible because we want to be good stewards…

Notebooking Pages: Fall Writing Prompts

Posted in Homeschooling

One of the things that I miss about living where there are seasons is the fall colors and the crisp autumn breezes.  I also miss things like going to the apple orchard and cider mill as well as going on hay rides out to the pumpkin patch.  Now, don’t get me wrong….  I do enjoy the mild winters here as it allows us to be outside in the sunshine most of the year.  Granted, we tend to hibernate a bit in the summer when temps soar.  At the same time, fall isn’t quite the same without the brilliant hues of the changing…

Learning Latin Can Be Fun with Visual Latin

Posted in Homeschooling, and Reviews

Visual Latin…  Where do I even begin this review?  This program has really changed things around our house.  I was one of those homeschool moms who never thought that we’d be studying Latin.  It wasn’t even remotely on my radar.  I admit that I didn’t place a great deal of value in studying Latin.  Boy was I wrong! From day one, Munchkin loved – yes, loved – this program.  She wanted to watch the lessons because her teacher, Mr. Dwane, makes Latin fun and entertaining.  After watching just the free introduction lessons, she asked me to get her a Latin-English,…