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Category: Homemaking

Lunch Time Fun: Under the Sea

Posted in Gluten Free, and Homemaking

Oriental Trading Company has lots of fun different food picks which add a little fun to a simple wrap.  By using a fish cookie cutter on the watermelon, I was able to create a fun, simple under water lunch for Munchkin. Using fun food picks and cookies cutters to make a fun meal works for me.  You can see my spring fun lunch idea here.

Lunch Time Fun: Spring Plate

Posted in Homemaking

Sometimes, it’s just nice to surprise Munchkin with a fun lunch.  Last week, she was feeling a bit low, and her school work seemed a little overwhelming.  I surprised her by bringing her this lunch instead of her regular lunch.  While it contained many of the same things she would normally eat, I presented it in a fun way.  Her face lit up, and her mood instantly brightened.  A little extra effort on my part resulted in a big impact on Munchkin’s day. Fun lunches for Munchkin works for me!

Tropical Traditions Organic Palm Shortening Review and Giveaway

Posted in Gluten Free, Homemaking, and Reviews

Going gluten free caused us to really have to change our eating habits.  While we were making the transition to being completely gluten free, we started to eat much healthier.  Because I had to pay close attention to all of the details on packaging, we started to realize how much junk we were really eating.  We started to make even more changes.  The one thing that I found difficult to replace was shortening.  I wanted a healthier alternative to regular shortening, but I couldn’t find anything. When I learned that I would be trying out the Tropical Traditions Palm Shortening,…

Munchkin’s 11th Birthday Party

Posted in Family, Holidays, and Homemaking

Munchkin hasn’t had a big birthday party for herself since she was in kindergarten, so we decided this was a good year to have a big party.  Munchkin has been blessed with great friends at this location, so we wanted to take advantage of that before people start moving away. Let me introduce you to Sahara, Munchkin’s birthday camel.  Instead of a traditional card from Mommy and Daddy, we gave this to Munchkin.  She received her birthday camel as well as her other presents from family prior to us heading to church on Sunday morning. We tried to do most…

Birthday Girl: Munchkin as Molly

Posted in Homemaking

Munchkin’s birthday party was an American Girl Molly Mystery party.  She decided that she wanted her Molly costume to be Molly as Miss. Victory.  Munchkin’s pink birthday skirt was the trial run for this costume.  We had purchased a pattern for a skirt, but once I got it home, I realized it was way too complicated for the time that I had.  I decided to just design my own.  This was the end result….