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Category: Family

Fresh Summer Salsa

Posted in Family, Gluten Free, and Homemaking

Tonight I tried my hand at homemade salsa, and even Munchkin liked it. So, it was obviously a hit at our house. It’s really simple. Ingredients: 1 Half Large Sweet Onion 6 Roma Tomatoes 1 Green Pepper 1 Half Red Pepper 1 Half Yellow Pepper 1 Medium Cucumber 3 Tbsp Lemon Juice You can either finely chop everything by hand or you can use a chopper to dice everything. Combine all the chopped ingredients with the lemon juice. This is a mild salsa. If you want something with more of a kick, you’ll want to add in some hot peppers.…

New Church Update

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

Today, we went to both Sunday School and morning service. We all enjoyed the fellowship and learning in Sunday School, and the service was very good. Munchkin sat with us during the service today and liked that much better than the children’s church program. (Our baby is growing up.) It looks like we’ve found our church home. We’ll continue to attend here and in time, get more involved. They also have an Awana program that we’d like Munchkin to participate in once we get more settled. For now, it feels wonderful to have a regular place to worship. On a…

Thankful Thursday

Posted in Family

While I am grateful today, I am also struggling with much frustration as my laptop crashed last night. I hadn’t backed things up (I know bad me) because we hadn’t purchased an external hard drive yet. We were hoping for a good deal. That being said, I am grateful that I still have a computer to use, and I’m praying that we’ll be able to recover what’s on the hard drive of the laptop. I’m thankful for the beautiful weather that we’ve been having as Munchkin has been able to be outside swimming almost every day this week. (We have…

Thankful Thursday: This and That

Posted in Family

It’s been so long since I’ve been part of this, and I’ve truly missed it. This week will probably be long. lol! 1. I’m thankful that we’re finally at our new home. We’re slowly, but surely getting everything unpacked. It may be a while before we’re truly settled in, but it’s wonderful to be here. 2. I’m thankful that our garden is doing wonderfully. We have lots of lettuce. The tomatoes (while still green) are doing well. The peppers are blooming. We have lots of herbs. The onions are almost ready. The cucumbers are growing. We’ll be adding more as…

Heading Home

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

Today is our last day camping. We’ve had a wonderful time camping; a much needed rest period has been a blessing. Tomorrow, we’ll be heading to our new house to start making it into a home. We’ll all be happy to have internet access again. I have a new found appreciation to those who do not have internet access at their homes. I didn’t realize how much we use the internet until we were without for nearly a month. Today, we’re wrapping up all the little things that we need to do before we leave the area (returning library books,…