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GoTrybe: Kids Fitness and Nutrition

Posted in Reviews

GoTrybe Logo

GoTrybe is an online fitness, nutrition, motivation, and wellness program for school aged kids. They have 3 different program levels:

  • Zoodoos: K-5th
  • Trybe180: 6th-8th
  • Nextribe: 9th-12th

Students/kids can log online and participate in the 4 parts of the program and earn points to spend at the online avatar store. They can then use these items to customize their avatar. (Before the kids earn any points, they are able to pick a male or female, younger or older avatar. They are also able to personalize the appearance of their new avatars.)

GoTrybe Avatar Store

The fitness activities can be customized for the student, the time available, and the workout environment.  Their are several options for warm ups, cardio, strength, and flexibility options.  You can do all of those or just some of them.  You can create and save your own customize workouts.  You can also select an already built trybe workout.  Once the student completes the workout, they are rewarded with points.

GoTrybe Exercise

The nutrition portion includes a nutrition fact followed immediately by a question.  This is more of a paying attention type of question since both the fact and the question are on the same page.  A correct answer results in points being added to the bank.

GoTrybe Nutrition

In the wellness portion, students will watch a video relating to the topic of wellness.  In the video screen shot below, the instructor is talking about checking expiration dates.  Upon completion of the wellness video, the student is awarded points.

GoTrybe Wellness

In the motivation portion, students watch a video about staying motivated.  After watching the video, students will receive points.

GoTrybe Motivation

Not surprising, one of Munchkin’s favorite features was being able to customize her avatar.  She chose to pass on different outfits because she wanted to get the dog or dinosaur.  (That was a nice side benefit – learning how to save up for something instead of just spending the points as soon as they were earned.)  She didn’t care for the wellness, motivation, or nutrition aspects of the program.  I had to agree that many times they were either too easy or not really helpful for her.  Ultimately, she just viewed them as an easy way to get points.

Munchkin felt the workouts were good, and they did cause her to really work (depending on the selected exercises).  Because the weather has been really nice here, she would rather do physical activity outside.  This summer, when it’s really hot outside, would be a better time for this type of program.

While there is a forum, we did not use this feature.  I could not tell if it was monitored or if any safety features were in place.  In addition, they have a shout out box and the option to friend people.  Once again, this was not a feature that we chose to use.  We are very particular about online interaction, so this was not something that interested us.  Honestly, these features don’t really add anything to the program that I could see.  Maybe older kids would enjoy that option?

Since this program is done online, we found that working out was not always easy.  You need to be in front of the computer, so unless you’re able to hook your computer up to the tv or have a large open space near the computer, you may have difficulty with some of the exercises.

Overall, the program is good for the exercise portion.  It will be more beneficial during the months were outside activities are limited due to weather.  I personally didn’t see a huge benefit to the other portions of the program because the knowledge was so basic that Munchkin already knew the information being presented.  Munchkin enjoyed the points system and being able to personalize her avatar, but the actual avatars choices were not overly appealing to her.  She liked that she was able to customize her workout program, and the exercises really did get her heart pumping.

If you want to check it out for yourself to see if it would be a good fit for your family, use the code GETFIT to get a free trial.  After the trial period is up, you can purchase a full year subscription for $19.95.

I received a trial of this program as a member of the TOS Crew to help facilitate the writing of a frank and honest review. A positive review is not guaranteed, and all opinions are my own.

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