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Thankful Thursday: Communication, Family, and God

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

“I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.” Psalm 116:1-2

It’s funny how you can take things for granted while you have them, but then you miss them dearly when they’re gone. I had forgotten how much I miss talking to D when he’s gone. Usually, when he’s away, I’m able to talk to him on a fairly regular basis, but that hasn’t been the case this time. So, I am ever so grateful for each minute that I am able to hear his precious voice when he is able to call.

You see, I am very spoiled. When D is home, he’ll call just to say hi. He’ll call to let me know that he’s on his way home. He’ll call just to let me know that he’s thinking of me.

As you can imagine, having to go long periods of time without talking to him is most difficult. We tend to talk about everything and nothing. We discuss our days, and we’re sound boards for each other. We both tend to get a bit frustrated when we’re not able to communicate.

Other times, when he’s gone, email becomes our primary form of communication. But, alas, that to has failed us this time. Ah, gone are the days of emails just to say hi, good morning, or good night. It’s no fun not to be able to say I love you for several days.

The truth is that while he’s in training right now, I’m also in training. I know that the year ahead of us will not be easy, but I know that it’s critical to find ways to communicate. This will be the longest separation yet. Although, in my head, I know that all will be ok and that the Lord will provide, my heart aches at the idea of being away from my beloved for so long.

So, what does all of this have to do with Thankful Thursday? It is through the “dark times” or “valleys” that we can be truly blessed in our lives. I am so grateful for a Heavenly Father who constantly provides for our needs (physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually). I am grateful for a Godly husband who dearly loves his family. I am grateful for a precious daughter who is growing in her love of both her Heavenly Father and her earthly Father.


  1. Jen

    Hope he comes home soon and you can have a good old chin wag together

    God is good Hes always there

    September 28, 2007
  2. Anonymous

    I have been in your shoes. We have had many many sperations where he was not able to call me. Before e-mail even existed. I remember when he was sent to Japan 1 phone call home cost us more than $100.00…back when we did not have $100.00 needless to say. It was very hard to endure. It is something all military wives (some husbands) must go through.
    Try setting a time for you to pray together. When I say this, pick a time like 8:00pm central standard time….you ask him to figure out when 8:00pm central standard time is in the time zone he is in…He prays then…so you are both praying at the same time…You know that the Lord will connect your hearts and hear your prayers. Roxie

    September 28, 2007

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