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New Bedtime Routine

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

Since D has been gone, Munchkin has been having a difficult time falling to sleep at night. I’ve been working on different routines to see what works best for her. We seem to have finally found a good routine.

Each night, she gets ready for bed then heads to my bedroom. We cuddle in bed and listen to the newest episode of Adventures in Odyssey online. We then do our family devotions and say our prayers.

After she feeds the fish and guinea pigs, she runs upstairs to hide. This tradition started with Daddy. She would always go hide from him and he’d have to find her in her room before he tucked her in at night. Well, she’s started doing this with me now.

Upon finding her, we give each other lots of hugs and kisses and say goodnight and I love you many times as I head down the stairs. She reads or draws for awhile and then falls asleep.

This simple routine seems to make things better for her.


  1. Shannon

    My daughter also hides as part of our bedtime routine! Except her hiding comes right before prayers.

    We’ve found that maintaining our routines as much as possible helps during deployments. I’m doing good at keeping the girls’ routine so far this deployment, but I’m not keeping mine and I keep staying up way later than I should!

    September 25, 2007
  2. Jen

    Im glad hope it continues to work for you both

    September 25, 2007
  3. Momma Roar
    Momma Roar

    Sounds like a wonderful routine and a very important part of each of your days.

    September 25, 2007
  4. weavermom

    What a fun routine! I’m glad that you have found something that is working – sure you are too! 🙂

    September 25, 2007

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