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Month: September 2007

Just a few thoughts…

Posted in Thoughts

Thank you for the concern after yesterday’s post, but I really didn’t mean it to be a “down” post. I wasn’t even in a poor mood while writing, just reflective. We’ve been through a previous deployment over there, and we’ve been through many times of separation anywhere from days to weeks to months. This time, it’s just longer which makes it a bit more difficult. Many, many military families have been through much worse. I’m very grateful for all the times that D has been with us. I’m also grateful for all of the men that are going with my…

Thankful Thursday: Communication, Family, and God

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

“I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.” Psalm 116:1-2 It’s funny how you can take things for granted while you have them, but then you miss them dearly when they’re gone. I had forgotten how much I miss talking to D when he’s gone. Usually, when he’s away, I’m able to talk to him on a fairly regular basis, but that hasn’t been the case this time. So, I am ever so grateful for each…

New Bedtime Routine

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

Since D has been gone, Munchkin has been having a difficult time falling to sleep at night. I’ve been working on different routines to see what works best for her. We seem to have finally found a good routine. Each night, she gets ready for bed then heads to my bedroom. We cuddle in bed and listen to the newest episode of Adventures in Odyssey online. We then do our family devotions and say our prayers. After she feeds the fish and guinea pigs, she runs upstairs to hide. This tradition started with Daddy. She would always go hide from…

Fall Into Reading 2007

Posted in Blogging

Fall Into Reading 2007 is a casual, low-pressure challenge. The point is simply to provide motivation to read, and to provide an opportunity for all of us to set goals when it comes to our personal (or family) reading. As a participant, all you’ll have to do is make a list of books you’d like to read (or books you’d like to finish!) this fall. We’ll share our goals with each other, and then share our experience and results when the challenge is over. (click on image above to sign up)Family ReadingLittle House SeriesPortions of In God We Trust by…

Thankful Thursday: Gifts and Love

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

This week, I’ve been reading the 5 Languages of Love by Gary Chapman and the 5 Languages of Love for Children . We’re also working on discovering Munchkin’s gifts using Discover Your Children’s Gifts by Don & Katie Fortune. Reading these books and doing some additional studies in the Bible has truly made me grateful that God made us all unique and that he gave us each a gift to better serve him and others. “As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If…