Heather L
I'm proudly married to my best friend, an active duty US Marine. I'm happily taking care of our homestead and our ever growing entourage of animals. I enjoy writing, reading, cooking, crafting, diy projects, and various outdoor activities. It's all about enjoying the journey of life with my family.
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This looks wonderful – can you tell me what you needed to do to prep the strawberries and how long they will store in the jars?
Depending on how cool/warm and humid/dry it is and how well they are dehydrated, they can last 6 months to a year. They can last longer than that, but after that they start to lose nutrients. Commercially dehydrated foods last longer due to the processing methods. For prepping, I did a vinegar wash on the strawberries – one part vinegar to three parts water. I just had the water in a large pot/bowl and dumped the strawberries in and swished them around for awhile. I then put them in a large colander to allow the water to drain away. You can rinse with fresh water, if desired, but I didn’t. After that, I sliced into 1/4 inch slices and placed them on the dehydrator trays and dried at 115 degrees F until they were completely dry. I was able to do roughly 8 lbs or so in each batch of dehydrating with the Excalibur 9-tray model.
Heather L recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: Dehydrating Strawberries