For the most part, I love that my husband is a big kid at heart. I admit that there are days that it drives me crazy, but overall, it’s a good thing. That being said, it can lead to some pretty crazy play around our house.
Today, Daddy and Munchkin build a catapult (from a kit that we’re reviewing). Once it was assembled, the crazy play began. Hmm… I wonder how far this will fly? What do you think this will do? Finally, I had to tell Munchkin that certain objects needed to be taken into an area where nothing would get broken if she wanted to try them out. lol! (Can you imagine how insane it might have been if Daddy wasn’t recovering from surgery? Just sayin’ **wink**)
I am so thankful that D loves to take such an active role in our lives. I know that we are very fortunate to have a Daddy (husband) who enjoys spending time with us and doing various activities with us. I love that he jumps at the opportunity to teach Munchkin. I never know what kind of lesson will come out of any of their play/activity sessions. Even going for a simple walk can lead to quite the interesting conversations. Yes, I definitely feel blessed to have a husband who enjoys creative play.
This post is part of the 2011 Gratitude Challenge.
good on him
what a blessed pair of young ladies u both r
jen recently 9 of 30 day photo challenge AND day 9 of 30 day drawing challenge
You are very blessed, indeed! My son has been enjoying this kit. He’s been using his miniature pewter figures for battles. I’m sure the Lego mini-figures are next! The poor dog was a target at one point. 🙂