Project 365 – #259
Back when Munchkin was in kindergarten, her teacher had them write a little each day. Sometimes that would mean she would write a short, simple sentence. Other days, that meant that she’d run out of time trying to write a story to go with her picture. When Munchkin came home from school at the end of the year, our homeschooling adventure began. I tried to move away from traditional schooling, but the one thing that I tried to continue was the daily writing. We didn’t always achieve it, but it slowly became part of Munchkin’s normal routine. These days, I don’t need to require daily writing because she’s always working on some creative writing project in her spare time.
Thanks to the skills that she’s been learning with IEW and her vocabulary work, Munchkin’s writing has gotten more detailed. Her current project is a rather involved mystery story. She’s learned that typing her story into the computer before it is finished sidetracks her, so she’s now using notebooks for her stories. She plans on filling up a composition notebook for this newest project. We’ll see how it goes.
As Munchkin’s mom and teacher, I’m pleased to see the growth in her creative writing skills. I’m thankful that she had a K teacher who started the daily writing and began that routine. I’m grateful that there are wonderful programs out there for homeschoolers that assist me in helping her unlock her writing skills. I appreciate the fact that she does have an active imagination which allows her to come up with some interesting stories.
Made for a great shot!
Tracy recently posted..Yom Teruah.
although my home schoolers dyslexia gets in the way some what I love it when he writes stories and Ive noticed recently that hes began to use more descriptive words in his writing 🙂 we try to do at least 10 minutes a day of story writing
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I can’t wait to start our IEW. We are using Writing Strands 3 for this semester and will switch in Jan. Everyone who uses it seems to love it.
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