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Month: June 2011

Review: Simply Canning

Posted in Homemaking, and Reviews

It’s that time of year again when fruits and veggies are growing like crazy.  Farmer’s Markets are open (in most parts of the country – not here).  The food co-op baskets are usually filled with fresh produce.  The prices for produce start to come down as the supply goes up.  Now, is the time to stock up on your favorite fruits and veggies. It seems like the idea of preserving food had gone away for some time.  People just weren’t all that interested in taking the time to prepare the food themselves – after all, they could just grab what…

A New Family Member

Posted in Family, and Photography

Project 365 – #157 Munchkin has really been missing her guinea pigs.  One passed away while D was deployed last time, and a few months later we needed to give up the other one for adoption due to our cross country move.  Since that time, she’s been wanting guinea pigs.  D and I held off for quite some time as I didn’t want the responsibility of taking care of another pet. Earlier this year, D told Munchkin that if she could show that she would be completely responsible for a pet, we would consider it.  She had to write up…

Gluten Free Stuffed French Toast

Posted in Gluten Free, Homemaking, and Photography

Project 365 – #155 Today, I decided to make something a little different for brunch.  I had some fresh fruit from the Bountiful Baskets that I had just picked up, so I decided to incorporate some of those items into the meal.  I had some Udi’s multi-grain bread that had been left out a little too long (oops!) which meant that I needed to use that up.  I thought it would be fun to make some french toast as I haven’t made that for some time.  I wanted to make it a little special, so I went for a stuffed…


Posted in Fitness, and Photography

Project 365 – #154 Well, I’ve officially jumped on the Zumba bandwagon.  I’m not going to classes, but I’m doing Zumba at home.  I’m only on the beginner stuff, and I’m already getting quite the workout.  It’s something completely different for me, and I’m having lots of fun.  (I’m using the Zumba Fitness Exhilarate: The Ultimate Experience DVD Set.) It’s definitely not for everyone, and if you have boys in the house, you may decide not to have them around due to the attire and moves.  I’m on my own while doing it which works for me. I have a…