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Review: Simply Canning

Posted in Homemaking, and Reviews


It’s that time of year again when fruits and veggies are growing like crazy.  Farmer’s Markets are open (in most parts of the country – not here).  The food co-op baskets are usually filled with fresh produce.  The prices for produce start to come down as the supply goes up.  Now, is the time to stock up on your favorite fruits and veggies.

It seems like the idea of preserving food had gone away for some time.  People just weren’t all that interested in taking the time to prepare the food themselves – after all, they could just grab what they needed from the grocery store.  As the economy started to get worse and money started to really get tight, more people started to take a second look at growing and/or preserving their own produce.  In addition, organic/healthy living has really come into the spotlight as of late, but not everyone can afford to purchase organic.  It was time to rethink the whole garden thing.

The problem was that many people did not grow up gardening or preserving produce, so they weren’t even sure where to begin.  Many of our grandparents grew up with this sort of thing, but it skipped a generation.  Now, we’re a generation that has to learn these skills on our own.

Simple Steps Guide to Simply CanningThankfully, some people did learn these skills.  They were either passed down from generation to generation, or they decided to learn the skills on their own.  A new generation now has the opportunity to learn these valuable skills.

Simple Steps: Guide to Simply Canning gives a great introduction into canning.  It walks you through food and canning safety including which type of canning, water bath or pressure, to use for different foods.  It then gets into more details about the different types of canners as well as other equipment you may need/want.  It concludes with great tips for canning day including prep work and day after work.

Everything in the canning guide is written in an easy to follow and understand format.  Full color pictures are included.  As I stated, this is just an introduction to canning.  Think of it like a quick start guide to give you a jump start on learning how to can.  It includes many links to resources throughout the text.  If you go to the Simply Canning website, you’ll find a plethora of information including canning recipes for various foods.  (It also includes information on freezing and dehydrating.)

The Guide to Simply Canning can be purchased as an e-book for $5.99, or you can sign up for the free 6-week e-course.  With the e-course, you’ll receive a section of the course once a week for 6 weeks.

Now, that I’m done talking about canning, I need to get back to work prepping a whole slew of strawberries….

I received a copy of the Simply Canning e-book from Tomosonto help facilitate the writing of a frank and honest review. All opinions are my own.

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