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Month: December 2010

If I Wrote a Note to God…

Posted in Christian Life

Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! ~Psalm 46:10~ Sometimes life can be difficult and filled with trials, yet, the Lord is always with us. Listening to beautiful, soulful music can help quiet our hearts and minds. With the holidays upon us, we need to make sure we take time to be still and listen to the Lord. We don’t want to miss His guidance and comfort in our lives because we were too busy to listen. We need to listen to the Lord and…

Fuzzy Sock & Bath Scrubby Cupcakes

Posted in Homemaking

As I was looking at some of the gifts that I will be giving this year, I decided that I wanted to figure out a unique way to package the fuzzy socks and the bath poofs/sponges.  While I was trying to think of ideas, I came across the diaper cake and thought that I would try to make cupcakes from the socks and sponges. First, I cut out some cupcake wraps using decorative scissors for the top of the wrapper.  I just used some scrap paper and cardboard from some packaging that was being tossed out.  It had a cute…

Basket of Christmas Books

Posted in Holidays, and Homeschooling

Each year, I fill up a basket with all of our Christmas books.  Every day we read a different book from our collection until all of the books are gone.  When Munchkin was younger, I would wrap up the books and number them to use as a countdown to Christmas day.  Now, Munchkin just picks a book out of the basket. I try to add new books to our collection each year by picking them up during the after Christmas sales.  Many Christian bookstores offer 50%-75% off their books after Christmas. Do you have any favorite Christmas books? This post…

Family Games for Christmas

Posted in Reviews

Catch the Match: The Eye-Catching Visual “Pair”-ception Game! Catch the Match is a unique matching game geared towards family members ages 5 and up.  You can play the game with 2 to 8 players.  There are 15 large cards that all contain the same images.  The catch?  Well, the images may be the same, but the colors are not.  Only 1 image will match for each 2 cards.  This fast paced game really tests your observation skills.  For us, we seemed to always end up laughing like crazy as we tried to find the match.  It’s a fun, quick, easy…

Review: Mrs. McVeigh’s Magnificent Manners Show Dvd

Posted in Reviews

Mrs. McVeigh’s Manners Dvd Synopsis: When “Mrs. McVeigh” teams up with her wacky temporary assistant, Professor Maynard (pronounced “Mannered” when he is Mrs. McVeigh’s assistant), she shows the good Professor how to do things the right way. Your kids will laugh and relate to Professor Maynard as he learns throughout the DVD what demonstrating good manners really mean. The lessons include meeting and greeting, restaurant manners, table manners, how to set a table, how to write a thank you note, and more! About Mrs. McVeigh: Manners expert Elise McVeigh has been teaching manners classes to children since 2003.  She brings…