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Month: June 2007

Tackle It Tuesday: Whole House!

Posted in Homemaking

So much for tackling things one room at a time. We’re having company at the end of the week, so it’s major tackling time!!! I need to finish up the kitchen that I wasn’t able to finish last week. Finish tackling the living room. Finish tackling our room. Finish tackling the study/classroom/guest room. Straighten up the sewing/exercise room. After completing all of that I’ll need to vacuum and clean things up a bit. D will be helping by taking care of the travel trailer which will probably guest sleeping for at least some of our guests. Munchkin will be tackling…

Marriage Monday: Challenge Week 2

Posted in Christian Life, and Family

It’s week 2 of the Honor Your Husband Challenge. This week started out with a big bump in the road. Not bad, but it’s going to keep me busy this week. We just found out last night that we’re going to have company this weekend. This means that I have to get the house done now. lol! Nothing like company to light a fire under you to get the unpacking done. What does this have to do with the challenge? Well, the truth is that I tend to get a bit cranky when I get faced with this type of…

A New School Year

Posted in Homeschooling, and Thoughts

It’s hard to believe, but we’re getting ready to start the new school year. Yes, I know that sounds odd considering most public schools just got finished with their year, but we homeschool year around. Why? Honestly, munchkin is better able to stay on top of things when there isn’t a long break in between learning periods. Also, we like to be able to take breaks as we see fit. Often this means, whenever Daddy is home, we’re not schooling. We can take time off whenever we have family in town or when we need to head somewhere. This allows…

Sewing Camp Ends…

Posted in Homemaking

…alas, my little girl is highly disappointed that sewing camp is over. (She also doesn’t want me to post pictures of the boxers she made yesterday or the “big shorts” that she made today. Apparently, that would be embarrassing???) Anyway, they’re cute. They ended the day with a big pizza party which was a lot of fun. She wanted to go to the next sewing camp that is in July, but VBS is that week. She decided that VBS was more important. They do have sewing classes one Saturday a month though, so she may take those. Yesterday, I took…