We had so many different product manuals lying around the house that it was crazy. Then, there were all the manuals that my husband had for all of his stuff in the garage. Needless to say, I needed to find a better way to organize them and keep them all in one location.
I created binders (Garage Edition, House Edition, Electronics Edition) and put all of the manuals in sleeve protectors in the binders. (Ok, I’ll be honest. The only one that is completely done is D’s as his was first on the list. lol! The rest are in process as I’m rounding up manuals as I pack.) Anyway, here’s a picture of the Garage Edition of the manual binder.
These binders for our product manuals definitely work for us! See more great ideas at
Rocks in my Dryer!!
Heather L
I'm proudly married to my best friend, an active duty US Marine. I'm happily taking care of our homestead and our ever growing entourage of animals. I enjoy writing, reading, cooking, crafting, diy projects, and various outdoor activities. It's all about enjoying the journey of life with my family.
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What a great idea! Mine are in an overstuffed hanging file folder… totally not a good thing. Thanks for the tip!
Great idea! Right now I have all of my manuals in an overflowing hanging file folder. I think I’ll give this system a try! Thanks!
You truly have the best organizing tips! Thanks for posting.
Great idea. Mine are all just stuffed in one IKEA box that is starting to bulge.
Bingo! Sounds like a great solution! I want to do this!
Much smarter than my filing cabinet (yup, I do that too). Thanks for the idea!
Great idea! Mine are also in a hanging file folder and we NEVER look at them, probably because no one wants to fish around in the file folder. This one is a keeper!
What a brilliant idea. We either “missplace” or lose ours…or find them years later. I will definitely be using this system!!! Thanks!
This is the best idea ever! Wow!
How are the holes in the plastic page protectors holding up?
What a great idea! I’ve been searching for a use for all my old binders, and I think I just hit the jackpot with your post. I think I’ll also create a folder for warranties/handbooks for kid’s toys and electronics. I n-e-v-e-r know where to put them!
ann and mommysecrets.blogspot.com
WOW, fantastic tip!!!
What a great idea–you can keep everything right where you need it: contained, protected and convenient. Right now my Hub has them in file folders in the basement, so at least we can find them. When we’re inspired to make the binders, we’ll just do a quick sort and pop them into the protectors. Nicely done. And nice to meet you.
Great idea. I store them in the file drawer, but it is hard to find the small ones in there. This way would be better.
I do the same thing… much easier than having to leaf through file folders in a file cabinet!!!
We do this in our home too, but I love the idea of different binders for different areas of your home!
Wow…great tip! Beats taking up hanging file space! I’ll have to try this – I’m a sheet protector freak..just bought 800 at Target on sale for .89/100. Woo hoo!
What a terrific idea. The only time I attempted to organize my mauals was when we were moving. I was trying to seperate them into which needed to move with us and which I could leave at the old house. I’m not even sure where our mauals are right now. hmmm. lol