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Tag: Pet Pictures

Gone to the Dogs…

Posted in Family, and Photography

It seems lately that our house has gone to the dogs. Yes, we’re in charge (mostly), but puppies have completely dominated the schedule. Our routine tends to revolve around them. In time, that will change, but for now, it’s a dog house. lol! Our morning routine looks a little something like this… get up at around 5:00 am as that’s when Wyatt usually needs to go outside to relieve himself. come back inside and sleep until around 6:00 when the dogs get fed go back outside for a little bit come back inside and play for a little while until…

Wyatt and the Rocking Chair

Posted in Family, and Photography

One of Wyatt’s favorite hiding spots is under the rocking chair. He’ll grab a toy or treat and go run to the rocking chair to hide from Wiley. He also just likes to hang out under it, but I have to watch him as he also likes to chew on it when no one is watching. This is the rocking chair from my childhood. It’s had it’s fair share of abuse, but it’s held up well over the years. Wyatt isn’t the first little puppy to like it. I have a feeling that he won’t be the last either. Training is…

The Case of the Tomato Snatcher

Posted in Family

One day, not so long ago, tomatoes started to disappear off our tomato plants.  I had previously watched Wyatt snag a couple of ripe tomatoes that had fallen to the ground when either he or Wiley had brushed up against the bush during their play sessions, but little did I know how much these two liked those tomatoes.  It wasn’t until I caught a certain someone – who shall remain nameless – snatching ripe tomatoes right off the vine that the mystery was solved.  Yep, he was caught red handed pawed. Of course, his little furry buddy made sure that…

Puppies: Play Fighting

Posted in Family, and Photography

I’ve found that homeschooling, keeping up with the house, and training the puppies has taken up pretty much all of my time.  I’m rarely on the computer these days, so my posting has been cut down drastically from my norm.  I know that once we have the whole house training thing under control that life will become a little more “normal”, but the training won’t stop there. Having two puppies has created quite the lively household. Wiley is (from what we know) a little over a year old and due to him being a large breed dog, he’s definitely still a puppy.…