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Tag: Nature Pictures

A Visit from a Javelina

Posted in Homesteading, and Photography

While we were at the cabin, we had an unexpected visitor one day. This Javelina was walking around the garage while D was out there working. He came and got me. I grabbed my camera and headed outside while calling Munchkin to let her know that she needed to come out. I snapped a bunch of pictures while she walked around the yard near the house. Obviously, we kept the dogs inside the house during this process as we didn’t want a fight to ensue. “Havy” disappeared after some time, but it was fun seeing our first Javelina.

Striving to be Content

Posted in Family, Military Life, and Photography

But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. ~ I Timothy 6:6-8 ~ There are times in life that I struggle with being content with where we are at or what we are doing. I am extremely grateful for the many blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon us. We have food (good food), water, and nice shelter from the elements. We have more than one vehicle which allows us not to…

Grand Canyon – Ooh Aah Point

Posted in Family, Outdoor Adventures, and Photography

When I looked down from the top of the South Kaibab Trailhead into the canyon, I saw the dusty trail ahead. Obviously, when you hike down into the canyon, you eventually have to hike back up. I was not looking forward to that hike back up. Nope, not in any way, shape, or form. I knew that it was not going to be easy. So, I chose not to think about that and just enjoy the views on the way down. Denial – it can be a beautiful thing – at least for a little while. **grin** We took our…

Grand Canyon: South Kaibab Trailhead

Posted in Family, Outdoor Adventures, and Photography

We originally thought that we were going to be heading to Yosemite National Park for our Memorial Day vacation, but it turns out that unless you get in reservations early – really early – that you’re not getting a camping spot. At least, you’re not getting a spot that will work for a 5th wheel trailer. Since we take the dogs with us and they’re not allowed on most trails, they need to be able to stay in the trailer. Tent camping wasn’t an option this trip. Anywho… we decided to head on up to the Williams, Az instead. We…

Exploring Williams, Az – Day Two

Posted in Family, Outdoor Adventures, and Photography

I didn’t realize that I would end up being MIA from my blog for nearly a week. I planned on blogging through our camping vacation in Williams, but the internet decided not to cooperate. lol! That means that I’m playing a bit of catch up this week with my posts.. On our second full day in Williams, Daddy decided that he wanted to head back out and hit some trails. Our destination this time was White Horse Lake. We spent part of the time on paved roads to get to the trails leading back to the lake. Munchkin and I…
