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Tag: Nature Pictures

The Twittering of Birds

Posted in Photography

Virtually every morning, I wake up to the twittering of birds right outside of my window.  The funny this is that the large birds seem to make less noise than the small birds.  Our little hummingbird appears to make the loudest noise out of all of our feathered friends.  (Side note: I have yet to capture our little hummingbird in a picture.  He/she is just way too fast.  One day, I may be able to get a nice picture….) Today, Munchkin told me that she was afraid that the momma bird sitting on the nest in our tree was dead…

Why is it so hot in here?

Posted in Family, and Military Life

This morning, Munchkin had her baseball team pictures.  Since D is the coach, he normally gets a team picture.  This time, they allowed the coach (if they had a child on the team) to get a “buddy shot” with their child instead of the team picture. We chose to go this route as we’ll already be getting a team picture for Munchkin.  I was happy that they offered this option to him. After pictures, it was time to head over to the baseball field for the game.  It was warm, but not as hot as last week.  The players were…