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Tag: Make It From Scratch

Handmade Nature Journal

Posted in Homemaking, and Homeschooling

Munchkin really loves drawing and nature, so it is only natural to want to combine the 2 activities.  We never seem to be able to find a nature journal that is “just right” for her.  She likes to personalize her things, so we decided to take that idea and run with it. Project Supplies: Cardboard (8 1/2″ X 11″ or desired size) Scissors Tape Glue Dots Scrapbook paper Loose leaf rings Hole punch Filler paper (plain or custom) The Project Details: 1. Place your 12X12 piece of scrapbook paper on the table print side down.  Place a glue dot on…

Munchkin’s 11th Birthday Party

Posted in Family, Holidays, and Homemaking

Munchkin hasn’t had a big birthday party for herself since she was in kindergarten, so we decided this was a good year to have a big party.  Munchkin has been blessed with great friends at this location, so we wanted to take advantage of that before people start moving away. Let me introduce you to Sahara, Munchkin’s birthday camel.  Instead of a traditional card from Mommy and Daddy, we gave this to Munchkin.  She received her birthday camel as well as her other presents from family prior to us heading to church on Sunday morning. We tried to do most…

Birthday Girl: Munchkin as Molly

Posted in Homemaking

Munchkin’s birthday party was an American Girl Molly Mystery party.  She decided that she wanted her Molly costume to be Molly as Miss. Victory.  Munchkin’s pink birthday skirt was the trial run for this costume.  We had purchased a pattern for a skirt, but once I got it home, I realized it was way too complicated for the time that I had.  I decided to just design my own.  This was the end result….

Awana: 50s Night & Poodle Skirt

Posted in Christian Life, and Homemaking

At 3:00 yesterday, Munchkin informs me that “tonight is 50s night at Awana, Mom!”  Oh, okay…  So, my mind begins to scramble and try to think what we can do for 50s night.  I go check my stash of fabric to see what I have available.  I decide to make a poodle skirt. I found some blue fabric and cut out a circle of fabric using pinking sheers.  Then, I cut a center hole for the waist.  I cut a strip of black fabric for a waistband.  Then I find a poodle outline online and cut out a black poodle. …

Handmade Christmas: Doll Christmas Pjs

Posted in Holidays, and Homemaking

Knowing how much Munchkin enjoys having special things for her AG doll, I thought that it was fitting for her doll to have pj pants that matched our Christmas pj pants.  I decided to make these while she was outside playing with her friends in the back yard.  On Christmas Eve, when we open our gift of pjs, Munchkin will also be receiving a surprise gift of pjs for her doll.  (We’re all wearing red t-shirts to go with these pants.  Thankfully, she already has a red shirt for her doll that I was able to slip away without her…
