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Tag: Holiday Bliss

Lego Train Meets Creative Child

Posted in Family, and Photography

What do you get when you combine a Lego train and a creative child? Why, a Lego roller coaster, of course.  Well, that and several crash test dummies. lol! Our Lego train has become a fun Christmas tradition for our family.  Prior to purchasing the Lego train, we had thought about getting a regular train set, but we felt that the Lego train would end up being the best idea for us.  Munchkin enjoys designing new trains and track layouts each year.  Usually, D jumps in and helps her out, so it’s a good bonding time for them as well. …

The Spirit of CHRISTmas

Posted in Christian Life, Family, and Holidays

CHRISTmas really wouldn’t be CHRISTmas without Christ.  God the Son came to earth to be born in a stable.  His first cradle was a manger even though His step-father was an excellent carpenter.  Jesus was willing to become man for us.  Many at the time thought the Messiah would come in and conquer the Romans and free the Jews of persecution.  Instead, He entered the world in a very unassuming way.  He was on His way to giving us the ultimate CHRISTmas gift – our salvation, our eternal salvation. While I know that the Messiah most likely wasn’t actually born…

2010 Christmas Tree

Posted in Family, and Holidays

I use to be the one to decorate the tree. I had fun decorating it “just so”. Once Munchkin was old enough, she joined in on the decorating. Now, she has taken over the responsibility of decorating the tree. It’s not something that I had planned as I do enjoy it. It’s something that she enjoys so much that I allow her to have free reign on decorating the tree. After the tree is up, Munchkin starts the process of setting up the train.  Due to the location of the tree last year, she wasn’t able to set it up…

If I Wrote a Note to God…

Posted in Christian Life

Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! ~Psalm 46:10~ Sometimes life can be difficult and filled with trials, yet, the Lord is always with us. Listening to beautiful, soulful music can help quiet our hearts and minds. With the holidays upon us, we need to make sure we take time to be still and listen to the Lord. We don’t want to miss His guidance and comfort in our lives because we were too busy to listen. We need to listen to the Lord and…

Fuzzy Sock & Bath Scrubby Cupcakes

Posted in Homemaking

As I was looking at some of the gifts that I will be giving this year, I decided that I wanted to figure out a unique way to package the fuzzy socks and the bath poofs/sponges.  While I was trying to think of ideas, I came across the diaper cake and thought that I would try to make cupcakes from the socks and sponges. First, I cut out some cupcake wraps using decorative scissors for the top of the wrapper.  I just used some scrap paper and cardboard from some packaging that was being tossed out.  It had a cute…