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Tag: Goals

Focus – 2017 Word of the Year

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

I have not been able to come up with my 2017 word of the year. I had many ideas, but nothing seemed just right. Yesterday, I was reading several blogs where they were talking about their word of the year and their goals for the year. I still hadn’t nailed down my word, but I was slowly weeding out the ones that weren’t a good fit. This morning, I realized that my 2017 word of the year at been there all along. In many ways, my answer was in the search. This year, my word of the year is focus.…

Setting Goals for the 2011-2012 Homeschool Year

Posted in Family, Homemaking, and Homeschooling

The 2011-2012 homeschool year here at Semper Fidelis Academy is well under way.  We’ve already changed a few things since I posted our homeschool plans for the year.  One of the biggest changes is probably dropping the renewable energy study and beginning the horse study.  I need to do some more work on the renewable energy study to make it more independent study friendly for Munchkin.  I can’t say that she’s bummed to be starting the horse study sooner rather than later.  She was blessed with some excellent horse resource books from Grandma, so she’s happily reading and studying. Our…

Tackling My Goals 3 at a Time

Posted in Christian Life, Fitness, and Homemaking

What is 3 in 30?  In the simplest terms, it’s a group support system to accomplish 3 goals in 30 days.  Instead of having an overwhelming long list of goals sitting in front of me, I will set 3 goals to accomplish each month.  I’ll be breaking down that long list into manageable chunks of 3.  Plus, I’ll have the support system in place to encourage me as I strive to meet my goals each month. Each week of the month, there is a check-in on Friday. Each Friday is slightly different. The goal is to visit the others who…