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Tag: Gluten Free Recipes

Peach Fruit Leather

Posted in Gluten Free, Homemaking, and Homesteading

We had several pounds of local peaches on hand, and they were starting to get a little too ripe for most purposes. Of course, this makes them perfect for making peach fruit leather. I cleaned them up, cut them up, and placed them in the blender to create peach puree. Because these peaches were deliciously sweet, I didn’t add any sweetener. While I need to get a little more consistent with the thickness of the puree on the drying sheets, they turned out well. Even the ones that were a little too crisp made yummy fruit leather sheets. (They wouldn’t…

Summer Squash Bake

Posted in Gluten Free

Around here, the summer squash are in season, so they can be found everywhere – including our garden. Our CSA boxes have also been filled with loads of yummy squash goodness along with other delicious veggie and fruit delights. Our fridge was quickly filling up with summer squash, and I didn’t want any of it to go to waster. It was time to come up with a way to use a lot of it at once. While I have used the squash in pasta dishes in the past, I knew I wanted something different this time. A few days earlier,…

Toasted Buckwheat with Cinnamon Apples

Posted in Gluten Free, and Homemaking

Because I want to add more variety in the gluten free whole grains we consume, I thought it would be fun to try out a few recipes with buckwheat. Buckwheat, contrary to how it sounds, is not a wheat product. In fact, it’s not even a grain. It’s actually a seed, but it can be used like a grain. It’s naturally gluten free. Buckwheat has been shown to lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol. It has lots of great health-promoting properties, so it’s easy to see why I would want to add buckwheat to our diet. For this recipe,…

Roasted Root Vegetable Medley

Posted in Gluten Free, and Homemaking

We’ve been thoroughly enjoying our CSA boxes the last couple of weeks, but it does require some creativity to figure out how to use everything. I’m personally not a big fan of radishes or beets, so I needed to decide how to use these in a manner that we would all still enjoy them. I started thinking about how oven roasted changes the flavor of many veggies, so I decided to give it a try. I grabbed what root veggies I had on hand, but you can easily substitute whatever you have to create your own unique root veggie medley.…