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Tag: Frugal Friday

Frugal Friday: Moving Tips

Posted in Thrifty Ideas

This week’s Frugal Friday tip has to do with moving because that’s what we’re dealing with at our house this week. How to move on a budget… Moving can get very costly (and stressful) when you don’t plan ahead. Normally, we would be having the military move us, but this time around we’ll be moving ourselves. One thing that is really cutting down on the cost is that we’re receiving packing boxes from a local business for free. We just need to go pick them up whenever we need them. This last time, we received a huge stack that should…

Frugal Friday: Plant Swap

Posted in Homemaking, and Thrifty Ideas

If you’ve looked over my blog, you know that I’ve been doing a lot of planting and work in my yard. About a week ago, a new group in our area was started for swapping/sharing plants. I thought this was a wonderful idea, and joined the group. Today, I picked up at least 10 Rose of Sharon plants for free. One of the ladies lives very close to me and was giving them away. She says that I can have as many as I want for free. Wow! There have been many things listed on the group. I’ll be getting…

Frugal Friday: Recycle

Posted in Thrifty Ideas

How many times have you thrown away perfectly good items only to realize later that you could have used those items for something else? Now, I realize that often storage space is minimal, so hanging on to everything just isn’t practical (or frugal if you’re paying for that extra storage space). You have to decide what you really can use later and what is just “junk” to you. For us, we never throw away lumber/wood. We can always reuse it in some way, shape, or form. This week, I’m working on re-doing our closets at the new house. I took…

Frugal Friday: DIY

Posted in Thrifty Ideas

One of the best things you can do to save money is take on home improvement and car/home maintenance jobs yourself. There is so much information available these days that will show you step by step how to tackle virtually any job that you can think of. You can buy how to books or just google the task at hand. Now some jobs, I will leave to the professionals such as major electrical or plumbing. Some people will even take on those jobs. It’s a perfect opportunity to spend some quality time with your spouse as well (that is, if…

Frugal Friday: Teaching Kids

Posted in Thrifty Ideas

I sat here thinking, what I am going to post for Frugal Friday this week? I’m not feeling particularly frugal this week as I have spent a bit of money on getting things done that need to be done. I did comparision shop and do what I could to save money, but… Then, tonight, on the way home from the store, I asked munchkin if she wanted a Happy Meal from McDonalds. (Now, see, I really didn’t feel like making dinner tonight, so I was trying to get out of it.) Her reply, “No, thanks. I’d rather eat at home.”…