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Tag: Family

The Little Things

Posted in Family, and Photography

Project 365 – #173 The little glass owl was a gift given to Munchkin by her dear friend.  These little glass animals are quite interesting.  They come in a small clear container that has a magnifying lid, so you can get a close-up view of your newest “pet”. Munchkin was happy as could be yesterday when she was able to play with her friend for several hours.  They were having so much fun enjoying each other’s company and playing games.  Due to the high temps, they ended up heading over to play inside her friend’s house.  She was rather bubbly…

A Day of Reading

Posted in Family, and Photography

Project 365 – #172 It’s very rare (other than when we’re on vacation) that I get to sit down and just read for any length of time.  I do read at night, but I have to be careful not to get caught up in the book as I’ll end up staying up way too late.  I very much enjoy getting caught up in a good book. The one plus of not feeling all that grand is that I am able to just rest and read.  Munchkin worked on her schoolwork while I enjoyed reading a book.  She came in after…

Happy Father’s Day 2011

Posted in Christian Life, Family, and Photography

Project 365 – #170 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. ~Deuteronomy 6:4-7~ Thank you, D, for being such a wonderful Godly husband and father.  Thank you…

Crazy Day

Posted in Family, and Photography

Project 365 – #167 Earlier this morning, I received a phone call saying that our Azure order would be in sometime this afternoon.  He would give me a call back once he had a more definite time.  We went on with our morning until I received the phone call saying that the truck would be at our pick-up location at 1:00.  Since I had several errands to run in that part of town, I decided to leave the house a little early.  (I didn’t want to do them after I picked up the order as it was over 100 degrees…

All Things Great and Small

Posted in Christian Life, Family, and Photography

Project 365 – #161 Isn’t it wonderful how the Lord is concerned about even the tiny details in our lives?  Today, I needed to find some things for the guinea pigs, so I could make some bedding.  (The shredded paper and other bedding is not working for us, so I needed to do something that would work better.)  I found out that Uhaul blankets with fleece over top work really well as cage liners.  I headed over to Uhaul, and once I told the gentleman why I was purchasing the blankets, he offered to give me a couple of used…