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Tag: Challenge

Spring Reading Thing Wrap-Up & Summer Reading

Posted in Blogging

Well, today is the first day of summer, so the Spring Reading Thing is officially over. It’s hard to believe that spring has gone and summer is here. I had no problem finishing up the non-fiction reading list that I posted. I enjoyed each of the books as they all offered various helpful tips on green housekeeping/cleaning as well as green gardening/lawn care. The more we can stay away from toxic chemicals, the better. But, alas, I never did get to the fiction books on my list. Obviously, I do much better at reading non-fiction for myself. That’s not to…


Posted in Commercial Break

We’re kicking off the TOS Summer Reading Splash and would like to invite your family to participate! (This reading program is open to ANY homeschooled student – you do not have to be a TOS subscriber or a reader of our E-Newsletters in order for your children to participate.) As a matter of fact, we are so passionate about getting children to read, we’d love for you to share this information with EVERYONE you know! Please forward this e-mail to all your homeschooling friends and share the news about the Summer Reading Splash! Reading Goals We will be providing you…

Spring Reading Thing

Posted in Blogging

Katrina at Callapidder Days is hosting the Spring Reading Thing 2008. Spring Reading Thing 2008 is simply an opportunity for us to set some reading goals, share them with the blogosphere, and work toward them this spring. Here is my list for this spring: Slug Bread & Beheaded Thistles: Amusing and Useful Techniques for Nontoxic Housekeeping and Gardening by Ellen Sandbeck Eat More Dirt: Diverting and Instructive Tips for Growing and Tending an Organic Garden by Ellen Sandbeck Green Housekeeping by Ellen Sandbeck Green Clean by Linda Mason Hunter and Mikki Halpin I won the book Summer by Karen Kingsbury…

30 Organizational Challenge

Posted in Homemaking

Organizing Junkie is hosting her fall 30 Day Organizational Challenge, and I’m jumping on board. The challenge actually started on Nov 1st, so I’m running a little behind. I need the extra motivation right about now, so here I go… The room that I’m doing for the challenge is the Kitchen/Dining Room area. When D was home, it became a catch-all plus we purchased some new appliances right before he left. This really left the room in quite a state of chaos. Add to that the fact that I still haven’t found a place for everything… Well, you end up…

Fall Into Reading 2007

Posted in Blogging

Fall Into Reading 2007 is a casual, low-pressure challenge. The point is simply to provide motivation to read, and to provide an opportunity for all of us to set goals when it comes to our personal (or family) reading. As a participant, all you’ll have to do is make a list of books you’d like to read (or books you’d like to finish!) this fall. We’ll share our goals with each other, and then share our experience and results when the challenge is over. (click on image above to sign up)Family ReadingLittle House SeriesPortions of In God We Trust by…