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Category: Thoughts

Giving Thanks 2015 – Week Three

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

Last week was an interesting week, and it really made me think about how thankful I am that my family is healthy. Yes, I’m still hobbling around with one crutch and suffer from frequent migraines. Yes, D has his shoulder issues. Yes, Munchkin is suffering from more frequent headaches these days. Yet, in the grand scheme of things, these issues aren’t so bad. My neighbor, who has all of the heart issues, found himself back in the ER when he couldn’t breathe. It turned out that he had blood clots in his lungs. He spent a couple of days in…

Giving Thanks 2015 – Week Two

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

It’s hard to believe that we’re already entering into the third week of November. Where has the time gone? Before we know it, another year will have passed. D was scheduled for shoulder surgery at the beginning of last week, but it had to be postponed due to some complications that arose. As it turns out, physical therapy can, at times, do more harm than good. His shoulder is now frozen which means they need to delay the surgery until he gets full movement back. While this was not good news, it did allow us to spend more time together…

Giving Thanks 2015 – Week One

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

It’s become a bit of a tradition to focus on giving thanks during the month of November. Normally, I try to blog my way through the month as it makes me really focus on even the smallest things that often get overlooked when giving thanks. I fully intended on doing the same thing this year, but then I got hit with a migraine. I got ill, very ill, in conjunction with the first migraine. The migraine let up and then I got hit with another one. I couldn’t figure out the trigger. By the time the first week of November…

Reflection: An Unexpected Break

Posted in Christian Life, and Thoughts

I took an unexpected break from blogging and most social media. It started while Munchkin and Daddy were gone and continued after they got back. I just didn’t have anything to write. I was stuck in a rut because my life was (and honestly is) at a standstill due to the injury. I felt like I was going in a circle with no way out. Frustration had set in – especially when I kept hearing “You’re still on crutches? Man, you’ve been injured forever.” Yep, thanks for the reminder. lol! I decided to just take a break and focus on…

Thankful Thursday: Bed Rest

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

It’s been a long time since I’ve written a Thankful Thursday post, but I really needed to focus on my blessings today. I’ve been on bed rest for a little over a week now. Due to the pain and meds, I’m not really able to focus on reading which is my normal go-to when I’m sick and not able to do anything. I’m frustrated with not being able to do even the simplest of tasks at this point in time. Needless to say, I’m feeling annoyed and out of sorts. It’s time to focus on the good rather than the…
