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Category: Reviews

A Journey Through Learning Review

Posted in Homeschooling, and Reviews

A Journey Through Learning offers beautiful, full color lapbooks and unit studies at affordable prices. Most of the lapbooks include a study guide so you and/or your student don’t have to search for the answers. Munchkin really enjoys doing lapbooks as long as she doesn’t have to do too many at once. In other words, she prefers to do only one lapbook at at time. We have used lapbooks as complete studies by themselves or as review of what has already been learned. With the Journey Through Learning lapbooks, I cut out the components and paper clipped them to the…

College Prep Genius

Posted in Reviews

Where is the money for college going to come from? Will my child be able to get scholarships? Will my child do okay on the college entrance exams? What can we do to prepare our child to do his/her best on these exams? College Prep Genius offers parents and students help in getting started for the road to college success. Through this course, students will learn how to prepare for the test, and the best way to take the test. Students are given tips and tricks to help them excel at standardized test taking. The course emphasizes unique techniques to…

Grapevine Studies Review

Posted in Homeschooling, and Reviews

“Stick Figuring Through the Bible” From the day that we started the Old Testament Overview Level 4, Munchkin was hooked. She loved drawing the stick figures on the timeline. We had only been doing the study for 2 days when she asked me if we’d also be doing the New Testament. I chuckled and said we needed to get through the Old Testament first. The Old Testament Overview starts with making a simple timeline for all of the major events in the Old Testament. Once Munchkin had drawn the timeline, we decided to laminate the timeline before putting it in…

Quarter Mile Math Review

Posted in Homeschooling, and Reviews

Munchkin is good with math, but she does her math very slowly. She hates timed drills and quickly grows frustrated when she can’t think of the answers to simple problems during the drill. We’ve tried various methods to get over this issue, but nothing has really worked. We had tried a demo of The Quarter Mile Math a few years ago, but I had forgotten about it due to moving shortly after trying out the product. When The Quarter Mile Math package arrived in the mail, Munchkin exclaimed, “Hey, it’s the horse race program.” Obviously, the program had made an…

Web Design for Kids Review

Posted in Homeschooling, and Reviews

When I found out that we would have the opportunity to review Web Design for Kids (…And Curious Grown Ups!), I didn’t really know what to expect. Munchkin and I sat down with our laptops and popped the dvd into the dvd player. (For easiest use, you will want to have the computer where the tv is located.) We were greeted by our instructor, Brian Richardson, and given some basic instructions before we began. We were informed that all we would need was notepad (the program) and Internet Explorer. Normally, I use Firefox, but we used Internet Explorer since that…